The Crannogman

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Lyanna's curiosity on the tournament needed to be sated. She headed to the lakeshore, sneaking outside of the castle before the joust started the next day.

The place could hold hundreds of people, which was perfect for the number of people who were attending the grand event.
Many tents were set around the field with different house sigils on each one, while a camp for lesser nobles was set a little further from there.

The Stark direwolf was on a tent in the far end of the field, and since she was curious to know what was inside, Lyanna had to walk all the way there.

"You should've seen their faces! I was frozen and speechless while the others all wanted to laugh at me. Of course, no one wanted to risk Robert's wrath, nor the king's for that matter." Lyanna told Violet about earlier as they struggled to walk without getting covered by mud.
"Your brothers must have enjoyed the scene!" Violet remarked.

"Benjen most of all. He didn't stop teasing me about it until he finally reached his room! Bloody idiot. Even the prince had that smug look about him." the lady complained.
"Tell me, what did he look like? He's said to be quite handsome." the maid asked with curiosity and excitement.
"He's.. alright." Lyanna shrugged.

"Alright? That's all?" Violet gasped.
"You'll see by yourself. There's a feast tonight, and you'll be coming with me. We'll have to make sure Robert gets drunk enough to leave me alone." Lyanna said.
"Not to sound rude, but I don't think he needs either of our helps to do that." Violet scoffed, making the lady laugh good heartily.

When the girls finally got closer to the Stark tent, Lyanna heard the sound of metal on metal, and laughter not far from where she stood.
Being the reckless person she was, she gestured for Violet to stay way behind while she tip-toed to the back of the tent and peaked her head to see who it was.

She expected to find knights enjoying their time, which wasn't completely false. Only, she found three squires surrounding a helpless and unarmed man with bruises all over his face and body. The boys were mocking, shoving and kicking him, and that infuriated her.

Her first thought was to take a look at their sigils. The victim was Howland Reed, her father's bannerman. The others were squires serving house Haigh, Blount and Frey respectively.

Lyanna never accepted injustice, and she couldn't stand by and watch the crannogman getting bullied. She entered the tent and looked around for anything that might help get rid of the three idiots.
She found a tourney sword, and without a second thought, she picked it up and burst out of the tent to face the squires.

"That's my father's man you're kicking!" Lyanna roared before she jumped on the Frey who didn't notice her presence until he found himself eating dust with a single swing of the sword in his back.
Terrified, the squires ran away without looking back, then the third followed after he struggled to rise from the ground.

"Bloody idiots." Lyanna muttered, dropping the tourney sword on the ground and wishing they would've stayed longer so she could beat each one of their asses.
Thanks to her brother's lessons, none of them stood a chance against the wolf maid.

Since her father forbid her to carry a sword or learn how to use it, Lyanna convinced Brandon to teach her. They would sneak discreetly to the Crypts and spend hours sparring.

"You're Howland Reed, aren't you?" she asked, and the man only found the strength to nod after being knocked down by the squires.
Seeing him in that state, Lyanna knelt and wrapped his arm around her neck to help him stand on his feet. He was too heavy for her, but she managed to drag him to her family's tent.

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