A Royal Meeting

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Weeks had past since the Starks departed from Winterfell to attend the tournament, and Lyanna was going berserk from sitting in the carriage during the entire trip, only getting out to spend the night in castles along the Kingsroad, or to relieve herself, and her only company being her handmaiden, Violet.

"We're far enough from Winterfell and Father can't see. Can I ride my own horse now?" she asked Brandon from the window of the carriage, even if she already knew what his answer would be.

"My dear sister, we're nearly there. You must be seen arriving in a carriage. You're the lady of Winterfell, after all." her brother teased.
"Idiot." she insulted, turning her head away from him and drawing the light curtain back.
"I love you too, sister." he chuckled.

The horses finally came at a full stop, which  was a relief for Lyanna who wasn't going to spend her days in that bloody cage anymore, at least for the time being.
"My lady, your hair!" Violet stopped her before she could step outside to arrange the dark wavy locks that fell loosely on the She-Wolf's face.

Lyanna smiled to the handmaiden in gratitude when she helped her arrange her hair before she took Ned's hand for support to walk out of the carriage, and there it was.
Harrenhal, or what was left of it.

The dark and ruinous castle was the largest in all of the Seven Kingdoms. Strong high walls, now ashes of dragon's breath from Aegon's Conquest.
The place where the chivalrous competition was going to be held could be seen not far from the castle. It was grandiose indeed.

Lyanna took her sweet time to admire the ancient place with wide and marveled eyes before following her brothers, then she smoothed her dress and picked it up to avoid it from getting all muddy.

Not long after, servants came to take the horses from the boys and their belongings to their rooms before a noble man approached the Stark family.
"Walter Whent." Brandon whispered to his siblings, which was also his way of warning them to not say anything stupid.

"My lords, my lady. Allow me to welcome you to the greatest tournament that ever was. We are honored to have you here. I hope the road didn't bring much trouble." the man greeted, his arms wide open and a proud smile on his face, "His grace king Aerys is waiting for you inside. Follow me if you will."

"My lord, you are too kind. We thank you for your invitation, and your hospitality." Brandon spoke very formally before he started walking beside the man.
Lyanna followed her brothers inside, her gaze mainly focused on the large ruins that got bigger with every step they took.
Perhaps that was the only thing she liked about the journey so far.

"Lovely! We now get to meet the notorious Mad King!" the wolf girl fainted excitement. In truth, she didn't know that the king would be present. She knew his son would attend, but there had been no word about the king.
"Lower your tone, Lyanna, if you don't want to be burned alive by the man himself." Ned sarcastically warned her.

As soon as they neared the entrance to the castle, and to Lyanna's great displeasure, a voice spoke from the back, and it was none other than her betrothed's.

"Ned!" Robert called, a winner's smile on his face as he embraced his longtime friend.
"Gods! It's great to see you again!" Eddard responded, "You just arrived as well?"
"Aye, and my arse is aching from riding the damned horse." he scoffed with his deep voice.

Lyanna rolled her eyes in annoyance. He was the same as she recalled. Disrespectful, drunk, immature, loud, though she did give him credit for his good looks.
He was strong and handsome. Not her type, but she gave him that.

No one was ever her type anyway..

"I see that the Stag is doing well, isn't he?" Brandon tapped Robert on his shoulder after he was done talking with lord Whent.
"Aye, he's even planning on competing in the tourney and unseating the silver prince!" Robert spoke of himself, resentment of the dragonlords clear in his voice. At least he and Lyanna had that in common.

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