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"Your highness." Lyanna muttered as she inclined her head.
"Lady.. Lyanna, yes?" Rhaegar checked, and even though she was sure he knew that was her name, she nodded.
"Strange to see you here, at this late hour." he said with an amused tone.
"I was just.. taking some fresh air. I don't really like feasts." she stuttered, finding nothing better for an excuse.

"Fresh air? In the stables?" he asked with a raised eyebrow, and she slightly shrugged.
"What about you, might I ask?" she questioned boldly, crossing her arms, "What brings the crown prince to the stables?"
"Well, lady Lyanna, I feel just the same." he said, which she suspected was a massive lie too, considering that only minutes prior, she was weeping because of the music he played.

"How did you like the piece I played, lady Lyanna?" he asked after an awkward silence that made her realize that if he stayed any longer, she won't have the possibility to go anywhere.

"It was.. alright." she said, impatient to get on with the conversation.
"Alright?" he exclaimed, and she grinned for her success at hurting his ego, when in reality, it was hers that kept her from confessing how beautiful she found it.

"I thought you really liked it, lady Lyanna. I even saw you weep. Isn't that true?" he carried on, making her grey eyes widen.
"I.. uh.. No! Why would I cry?" she stuttered.
"How would I know? Perhaps the music awake something in you. Or perhaps you simply like me." he suggested.

"Like you? I am betrothed, prince Rhaegar." she reminded, feeling that he was starting to get ahead of himself, which annoyed her.
"Yes, of course. How can I forget? I did notice how much you love your dear Robert Baratheon." he teased, and she decided to not respond and focus on trying to calm the nerves that threatened that very calm.

Seeing her remain quiet, the prince smirked and took one step closer to her, almost closing the space between them while his mouth came closer to her ears.
He wasn't as tall as Robert, yet the difference between his height and the wolf maid's was quite noticeable.
"And especially after I saw the man you took into your tent. That, in itself, is enough proof of the love you bear for the storm lord." he whispered.

At that moment, Lyanna's wolf blood won over the calmness she was trying to keep. Her hands formed into fists and she distanced herself as much as she could from the prince.
"Who do you think you are?" she yelled, her fiery glare intensified by the torches in the dark place.
"Uh.. a prince perhaps?" he scoffed, angering her even more.

"Yes! Exactly. So you think because of that I will fall on my knees and bow to you every time you take a shit? Don't even count on it." she said angrily before she started walking out of the place, chin up, tits out, making sure to bump into the tall silver prince with her shoulder on the way.

How dare he?

As she made her back to her room, Lyanna perhaps internally insulted and cursed the prince with all the words she knew. She couldn't believe how Rhaegar thought he could use his position to humiliate and insult her as he pleased, even though she was slightly worried of what her bold words might cost her.

Everyone knew the Targaryens were mad.

The she-wolf pushed the door open to her room and ran into the bed, grabbed a pillow and buried her face in it with a loud scream.
"Are you alright?" Violet asked, worried, and scared, of the lady's behavior.

"No! I'm not. Benjen decides that the perfect time to get on my nerves is when sitting on a table with all of the northern lords. And a prince thinks he can be a prick just because he is a prince. So no, Violet, I'm not fine. I'm furious." she told angrily, walking back and forth in the room, "And not only that, three bloody squires believe that they can bully my father's bannerman without repercussions."

"Slow down. You met the prince?" Violet questioned.
"I happily did. Such an honorable man!" the she-wolf said sarcastically.
"What happened?" the maid asked.
"Just.. Forget it." Lyanna sighed.

Even with all of Violet's insistance on making Lyanna speak of her encounter with the prince, she didn't want to say a word. Not now anyway.
Eventually, the handmaiden left after helping her get ready for bed.
Aside from Lyanna's anger towards the prince's behavior, she was actually excited for the tourney to finally start.

If no one was going to do something about the three bullies, then it was up to her, and she already had something in mind..

Lyanna didn't get much shuteye that night. She woke up at the darkest moment before dawn to start preparing for what she planned for the squires.

She wore her leather attire, the one she used to wear back in Winterfell to ride, and after making sure the halls were asleep, she snuck out and walked to the field once again.

She was a bit of an expert at playing hide-and-seek with guards. It was what she did mostly back home.
What she needed for her plan to work was an armor. An unrecognizable one, and so what she did was enter different tents from each house and steel a different piece of armor. She did so until she had enough to cover her identity.

Lastly, she needed a shield. She tied her new armor in another cloak she brought with her and hid it in the Stark tent, then she walked to the table where additional shields were prepared for any participant who'd need a new one during the tourney. Alongside were different brushes and paints, so she grabbed the colors and equipment she thought useful and ran back to the Stark tent.

The sun was beginning to shine, but the activity in the castle hadn't resumed yet. She sat on the bench and used what little skill she had at drawing to paint a laughing weirwood tree.

No house beared that sigil, right?

Her masterpiece was nearly over when she heard footsteps outside the tent.
"Shit." she muttered.

She peaked her head through the drap of the tent to find a guard positioning himself in the far end of the field.
He was alone, but she suspected more would arrive shortly. And her painting wasn't going to dry instantly..

She wore her cloak once again, and gathered her things before finding a way back to her room. It was by far the hardest thing she had to do, and yet she succeeded. There was no way for her to fail anyway. If anyone had caught her or blew her cover, she was doomed.

Back in her chambers, she wore her night gown again and hid her costume in the closet. She even found some place for the shield. It wasn't long before Violet came knocking on the door.
Lyanna ran and plunged under the cover, closing her eyes and pretending to sleep.

"Good morning, my lady." the maid said with a large smile which Lyanna suspected was from the lovely time she spent with Benjen during the feast.
"Good morning, Violet." Lyanna said as she yawned and stretched before she got up and started to prepare herself.

Her plan wasn't for that day, so she couldn't wait for the moment to come when she'd show the three squires what honor meant..

Her plan wasn't for that day, so she couldn't wait for the moment to come when she'd show the three squires what honor meant

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Luke Roberts as Arthur Dayne.

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