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Lyanna insisted that she be left alone with Brandon, which was hard, considering that Violet wasn't good at riding.

But Benjen tied her horse to hers to avoid any accidents and they rode ahead of the carriage, along with Ned.
Once they departed for King's Landing, Lyanna sat opposite to her brother and met him in the eyes with a demanding look.

"Go ahead. I want to hear everything." she said, her tone inciting that she wouldn't take any excuses from him.

Lyanna and Brandon were very close. They told each other everything, up till Harrenhal, and despite that, it took some time and hesitation for Brandon to start telling his story..

The dinner was lovely, the music was good, and the company Ashara had made it all better.
Ned was a delightful man, nothing like any she had met before.

For someone coming from a powerful family, he was very decent and honorable, caring and kind. There was something special about him.

He didn't care about what other men cared about. He was honest in everything he said, and that she admired about him.

That night, he had given her a coin, with house Stark's direwolf carved on it.
He said he made it himself as a child, and that it had brought him and his beloved much luck ever since he carried it for the first time.

When she wondered why he gave it to her, he simply said he wanted her to keep it. Furthermore he would not say, which was intriguing, and as was he..

But it felt wrong to keep it, especially with the sentimental value he must carry for a piece that must seem to others so pointless.
And even if she had accepted it when he offered, now that she had enough drinks to boldness, or more, she had enough courage to go up to his room and give it back to him..

Brandon had too much to drink that night. Lyanna wasn't there to stop him, and he seized the opportunity to enjoy some quality time with Robert who was only himself when his betrothed wasn't around.

He could see why his sister didn't really like him, and as much as he helped her try to convince their father to break the arrangement, there was no arguing with him.
He was stubborn, a true Northerner.

Yet Robert was a great drinking companion though, that much was sure.
When the noise around started disappearing, Brandon decided it best to leave the camp where he spent his evening and retire to his chambers.

He had only spent a couple days at Harrenhal, and he wanted to be in perfect form and shape for when he would take part in the tourney.

Once in his room, he only bothered to take off his riding boots and his leather jacket before plunging in the inviting bed.
He was exhausted, and his head was spinning.
His hair was a mess, his shirt was loose and all he wanted to do was sleep.

He thought he might just do that before knocks on the door interrupted the exquisite rest.
Brandon grumbled and frowned before he put a lot of effort into standing up and walking to the door.

Whoever it might be, he needed to be courteous. The future Lord of Winterfell had some standards to hold onto, after all.

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