The Red Keep

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After Ned had heard the important bits about Brandon and Lyanna's conversation, and to their surprise, he didn't react.
He mounted his horse, and for the rest of the road to King's Landing, he barely spoke a word to his older brother.

His sister felt sorry, and a little guilty to have talked about the matter knowing that he would be within earshot. She tried to speak with him about Ashara any chance she got, but he would always refuse.

And after several days of intense riding, they arrived at dusk to their destination.
They rode across King's Landing, passing by the very heart of the city, and through the little window in her carriage, Lyanna could see as they entered by the Gate of the Gods, passing through Cobbler's Square, the Guildhall of the Alchemists and the Great Sept of Baelor behind it, then finally into the Red Keep that earned its name from the reflection of the setting sun on the pale red stone that made it.

It was different from the stern and dark colors of the North, and truly impressive, if not for the smell of shit that could be smelt miles away from King's Landing.

Kingsguard watched over every corner with their gold and shiny armors.
Lyanna wished she could see more of the place, but it wasn't long before the carriage stopped in front of a long slate Keep that they called the Maidenvault.

That was where she and her brothers would be staying for Gods knew how long.
A steward came to show them to their rooms that were on different floors.

Lyanna's room was on the first floor, which she was rejoiced to find out about since it would be easier for her to sneak out whenever she wanted.

The chambers were much larger than the ones she had at Harrenhal.
Targaryen colors adorned the bedsheets, the blankets, the curtains, the carpets, and even the tablecloth.

The room overlooked Blackwater Bay and its calm waters, and the view, especially at that hour, was magnificent.
Several candles were lit and the blaze crackled in the small hearth that kept to room warm from the cold sea breeze at night.

Lyanna's belongings were already in a corner, so she knew that she and Violet would have to unpack them, but that was after she'd enjoy her meal, the hot bath that was prepared for her and a good night's sleep, all the while thinking about a charming and mysterious prince and wondering how things would be now that she was in his home..

The sun rose, and with it rose all nobles and ladies in the Keep, most of them still recovering from the lack of sleep they had the night before, for various reasons.

Lyanna's body ached for activity, yet the comfort and warmth of the bed was so inviting.
But she had to get up. That morning, they had to meet the king in the throne room and thank him for his hospitality.

The she-wolf woke up to a warm breakfast in bed brought by Violet who went all the way to the kitchens and made sure that the lady wouldn't lack of her favorite treats in the morning.

Then, she wore one of her new dresses in a very pale shade of blue.
Half of her hair was tied in a braided bun while the rest of it fell loosely in soft wavy curls.

The women in the south wore their hair differently, but Lyanna would never put such an ugly thing on her head.
With a touch of rosy scent, she set to leave her quarters and walk outside her tower to meet her brothers.

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