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The tourney was over, and that after shaking events that changed Lyanna in so many ways.
After so many years living an isolated life in the North, it was rather new to meet the lords and ladies of Westeros, see their thinking, their motives and some of their schemes and plots.

But that was nothing compared to what she was going to see in the place that would be her home for quite some time.
Lyanna already packed her belongings for the journey to King's Landing along with her brothers who were only staying temporarily to make sure she had everything she needed and help her settle down.

The wolf maid was now more open-minded about going, even after all the disasters she experienced at Harrenhal. When she first arrived, she already hated it all, but it turned out to be more interesting than she thought.

A part of her wished she could go home and never see the prince again, yet another part yearned to find out what would happen when she'd live in his home, with his entire family.

She knew that people already speculated about the reasons he crowned her Queen of Love and Beauty, yet it was a risk she was willing to take.

"Come on, Lyanna, the carriage is ready." Ned called to her as she spoke with Howland Reed.
They had become dear friends, and she now valued him greatly.
It was sad to see him leave, for she knew she'd probably never see him again, or spend time with him the way she did at Harrenhal.

He'd probably soon get married, and have children of his own, then he would forget all about her and the friendship they built.
But that was the way of things.

"Take care of yourself." Lyanna squeezed Howland's arms and smiled, trying to hold the tears.
Goodbyes were terrible business.
"You too, lady Lyanna." he answered.

He then proceeded to bid farewell to her brothers, especially to Ned who was perhaps his dearest friend of them all.
It was at that moment that Lyanna noticed that Brandon was missing, and who knew where he could possibly be hiding.

Then, Lyanna perceived Robert waving for her to come to him. He was done loading his horse, along with his men, and it was time to say goodbye to his betrothed, at least until the wedding.

Lyanna wished with all her heart that this was a final goodbye instead of temporary. She had no desire for the man, and she knew just how unhappy he'd make her, and how unhappy she'd make him, despite what he thought.

She was never the woman he saw, and she was never going to be. She was incapable of loving him, no matter how hard he tried. And that was sad. He deserved someone who would love him just as much as he would love her. He was a decent man after all.

And it was unfair that she couldn't choose what to do with her own damned life. She was the one to get married, not her father. Had he no regard for her happiness and prosperity?

She would never know. The only thing she did though was that one way or another, she'd find a way out of this arrangement, and she'd have a few months to think about it.

Lyanna rolled her eyes and walked to the storm lord who impatiently waited for her.
"My sweet lady." he greeted, and she feigned a smile, always unsure as to what answer to that.

"It saddens me that we have to part ways for the time being, yet what puts my heart at ease is to know that we will find each other soon, and this time, forever." he said.

Just the notion of wedding him gave her a feeling of nausea. He wasn't ugly in any way, and he tried to be as kind as he could to her. She knew that especially with the formal way he always spoke to her. With his friends, cursing was paramount.

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