The Only Faith {4}

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                It was starting to get dark when the door to the room opened. I expected to find Fagan and his friends, but instead, Ren stepped in and looked around.

                "Damn, they're still not back?" he said.

                I shook my head, shoving my finished homework back into my bag. "Nah. You friends with them?"

                He glanced over his shoulder before shutting the door. "Sort of. Friendship between Blues and Maroons isn't against the rules or anything, but people don't like it. It's best to keep it quiet. Especially when you're in my position."

                "And what's your position?" I said.

                "I'm an On Duty Resident, or an ODR. Caleb and I are the Blues assigned to this section of the dorm. We're supposed to enforce the rules and make sure kids are behaving and going to class," he said. He gave a sheepish grin. "I'm sure you can see how my friendship with them would be a conflict of interest. That, and I'm friends with Leon."

                "Leon?" I shook my head. "Dude, I just got here today."

                "You'll know Leon soon enough. It's hard to go to the Academy and avoid him," Ren said, laughing.

                "Well, I'm just putting it out there right now that I'm not part of that group." I gestured to Fagan's side of the room. "I just live with Fagan."

                "A good group to avoid if you don't want trouble." His voice was fond, though. "Beckett especially. He has a history here. And he tends to clash with Leon far too often for anyone's liking."

                He suddenly frowned and checked the time. He looked back over at Fagan's side of the room and groaned.

                "Shit, speaking of clashing with Leon." He pulled out his phone and hesitated. "I should call him," he mumbled to himself. "I should really call him." He sighed and tucked the phone back into his pocket, looking at me. "If anyone asks, I came in here, introduced myself to you, and left."

                "Okay?" I said.

                He slipped out of the room and I stared at the door in confusion as it shut after him. Well, that was strange.

                Not that I should be surprised. I was at an Academy that abused problematic kids. Strange would become normal soon enough.

                Problematic kids. That's what I had been reduced to, tossed aside as a stain on society.

                I got up and opened the closet, running my fingers over the maroon vest hanging in there. I closed my eyes.

                "I'm sorry Ted," I mumbled.

                Maybe someday I'd say it to him.

                Maybe someday I'd stop kidding myself.

                I shut the closet, leaving my guilt to suffocate in there. I changed into pajamas and went down the hall to brush my teeth before struggling into my bed and turning the lights off.

                It was still pretty early, but it had been a long day. I'd hardly slept last night and gotten up early to travel here with Ted.

                Curling up in my blankets, I squeezed my eyes shut and buried my face against my pillow. Tomorrow I'd put that maroon vest on, a visible sign of how far I'd fallen.

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