The Only Faith {20}

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                The door to my room opened a little while later and Tessa came in, followed by Ren. She sat down at Fagan's desk, Ren leaning against it.

                "You should just stay out of it, Warren. If they find out you've helped us, you could get expelled," Tessa said.

                Ren shook his head, looking stubborn. "I'm not backing out. But you have to promise me you're not going to make any moves until things calm down."

                "I can't promise that," Tessa said.

                Ren looked infinitely frustrated. "Why can't you just stay out of trouble, Tess? Constance is going to come after the three of you first. One wrong move and it's all over."

                Tessa gave him a surprisingly defiant look. "I have to do this. What's happening here is wrong. I can't just sit by and let it happen. Maybe...Maybe my memory can actually help people for once."

                Ren's face fell. "You can't keep blaming yourself."

                "I was the one who pieced it together and ruined things for them," Tessa said, voice sad but eyes fierce. "Beckett is right though. I have a good memory and I can help here. You need to stay out of this, Ren."

                Ren checked his watch and grumbled out a string of cuss words. "I have to go. But I'm not staying out of this. I'm not letting you go down for this."

                He left the room and Tessa slumped down in the chair. She twisted her braid around her finger.

                "Where's Fagan?" I asked.

                "He said some pretty rude things to Mr. Redfield. Redfield called him back into the office when he was done with me. He'll probably beat Fagan," she said. She looked over at me. "Can I ask you something personal?"

                "I prefer boxers over briefs," I said. "Does that answer your question?"

                "Do you still talk to your parents?" she asked. "You don't even have their numbers in your phone."

                I looked down at my bandaged hand. "No. I don't talk to them."

                "Are they the ones who sent you here?" she asked.

                I shrugged. "Sort of it. When I got in trouble again, Ted was the one who talked to them about the Academy. Ted brought me and I never talked to them about it. Did your folks send you here?"

                "My mom did," Tessa said, gripping her braid a little too tightly. "She was mad. I can't blame her. I'm the reason she divorced my dad. She wanted to get rid of me after that."

                "You're telling me now?" I said.

                She nodded. "Beckett trusts you. He doesn't trust easily."

                "Get it off your chest," I said.

                "My dad was cheating on her. He'd come home and lie about it, but I remembered all his lies and I pieced it together when they didn't match up, or when he slipped and changed the details. That's how I found out he was cheating. I told my mom. I thought she had a right to know." Tessa released her braid, letting it drop against her shoulder. "She didn't want to know. But isn't it better to know the truth?"

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