The Only Faith {7}

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                It was getting late out and I paced the room restlessly. Beckett and his crew had shown up, done their homework, and left again. None of them had talked to me. Beckett hadn't brought up their revenge plan again.

                There was an abuse problem at this school. If I turned a blind eye to it, didn't that make me part of the problem?

                How could I just stand by and let these teachers hit kids? How could I stay quiet when they verbally destroyed kids?

                But I couldn't get in anymore trouble.

                I ran my hands through my already messy hair. If I got caught doing this, that would be the end for me.

                I slid down to the floor, hugging my knees to my chest and rocking back and forth. I felt like I needed to keep moving. My body was humming with barely contained energy.

                Still, it seemed like Beckett was the one taking the fall for things when they went wrong or got found out. Leon was aware Beckett's friends were involved, but he wasn't positive when exactly they were involved. There was a chance I could do it, just once or twice, and not get caught.

                But there was also the chance that I could get caught.

                I tugged on my hair in frustration. I couldn't just sit by and do nothing. But I also couldn't risk getting in trouble anymore.

                I could always rat them out. Tell the teachers or even Leon what they were planning. I could ask to be assigned to a different room or even a different dorm building. Get in some good points with them and get away from the trouble.

                I got to my feet and moved over to my closet, yanking it open. I changed out of my uniform and into dark jeans and a dark hoodie.

                Staring at myself in the mirror, some desperate part of me begged me to just change into my pajamas and go to bed. Stay out of trouble and get through the schoolyear.

I couldn't just sit by and do nothing, though. Maybe just once or twice would be enough to get this out of my system and then I could drop out of their schemes.

                I crawled into my bed, pulling the covers up to my neck and staring at the wall. What the hell was I doing?

                Ted would kill me if he knew. Hell, if word got back to him about what I was doing, he'd probably never speak to me again. He was only doing it now because he had to.

                Life wasn't fair. I'd get punished if I got caught, but these teachers wouldn't face consequences for their actions.

                The door to the room opened and I listened as just one set of footsteps came in before the door shut again. Fagan's closet door opened and I heard the rustling of clothes as he changed.

                His bed creaked lightly as he pulled himself onto it and laid down after flicking the lights off. The darkness settled heavy over the two of us, neither of us speaking.

                A few minutes later, our door opened again. I'd learned that one of the rules was that you couldn't leave your room after a certain time, with a few exceptions like going to the bathroom, and Blues came in to check and make sure everyone was in their own room.

                The door shut again and Fagan's bed creaked again as he hopped off of it. I rolled over, my eyes adjusting to the dark as I made out his form, dressed in dark clothes. His teal shoes were the only thing that stuck out.

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