The Only Faith {25}

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                I closed my eyes and kissed Leon back, knowing this might be the last chance I got. He pulled me closer, his hand tangling in my hair. I put my hands on his waist, holding him steady. I could feel the way he trembled in fear, but he kissed me and kissed me and kissed me and somewhere in the middle of it all I lost track of whose heartbeat I heard thundering in my ears.

                Leon slowly pulled away from my lips. I reached out and took his hand in mine, squeezing it reassuringly.

                "That was my secret, dad," Leon said, looking down at our hands linked together.

                Constance's gaze on me was pure fury, but his face stayed composed. "Brennan," he said, voice every bit a threat, "what did you do to my son?"

                "Are you sure you want to know, Constance? It probably involves your son peeling himself off Brennan's mattress and limping his way home," Fagan said, eyes glinting, enjoying every second of this.

                "Killian O'Malley," Beckett said, watching Constance. "You threatened him with his sexuality and his parents' disapproval six years ago. Karma's a real bitch, isn't it?"

                "You shamed the homosexual students at the Academy and never once thought about the trauma you were causing your own son," Tessa said.

                Constance stood up, towering over us. "Leon, leave."

                "No." Leon gripped my hand so tightly it hurt, but he made no moves to leave. "I'm not leaving Brennan. Not until I know what you're going to do to him."

                "I'm going to call his guardian, and he'll be arrested," Constance said. "That's what I'm going to do to him. And then we'll transfer you to a new school."

                Leon was so pale I was worried he might actually pass out. Constance seemed to notice, too.

                "Leon, sit down," he commanded.

                "No," Leon said. "You can't do this to them, dad. You can't."

                "You'll get rid of us, but you'll lose your son," Fagan said, letting out a whistle. "Damn, tough choice. Then again, you have two other kids. I'm sure you could just replace the Prince. He's nothing special. Just a repressed, anxiety wracked mess of a human."

                "You are not one to talk, Fagan," Constance said. "I'm sure you still have nightmares of your head being shoved against a pile of tampons. I believe that video is still online. Perhaps I'll find it and send the link to your teachers. We could show it as an example of bullying."

                Beckett caught Fagan's arm before he could lurch forward. Constance tore his attention from Leon to look at Beckett, Fagan, and Tessa.

                "The three of you, leave this room. Go into the waiting area. Security will stop you if you try to leave, so don't get any ideas. Your punishments aren't changing, so cherish your few precious moments together," he said.

                They glared and reluctantly left the room when Constance hovered his hand over a button that would contact security. Once the door was shut, Constance pulled Leon away from me, pressing his hand to Leon's forehead. He forced Leon to sit, standing between the two of us.

                "I'm calling your mother. You're going home to lie down," Constance said.

                Leon struggled against him to stand up. "You're not sending me home. And you're not sending my boyfriend to jail."

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