The Only Faith {22}

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                We sat in the dorm silently, waiting. I hadn't told them Leon was coming, just that we needed to wait before we talked about what had happened today.

                Fagan sat on his bed, the only one of us who didn't seem troubled by this turn of events. Tessa sat on Fagan's desk, looking lost in her own thoughts. Beckett sat in the chair at Fagan's desk, watching his yo-yo spin in and out of his hand.

                The door open and they all looked up as Leon slipped in and shut it. Fagan narrowed his eyes.

                "Why is the Prince here?" he demanded.

                "He figured out it was you, didn't he?" Beckett asked.

                "He knew the whole time," I said.

                Leon sat on my desk, pushing his hair out of his eyes and digging his hand into his pocket to fidget with his dice. He looked more composed than earlier.

                "I want to help," he said.

                Fagan snorted. "Like we'd trust you? You're probably a spy for your shitbag of a father."

                "You were the one who put up that banner about my secret, weren't you?" Leon said. He sounded patient, but his voice was strained. I knew he was still terrified of that secret leaking out during all of this.

                Fagan grinned. "What, don't want Headmaster Constance to know he's not the only one you call daddy?"

                "Enough." Beckett's voice was firm. "Leon's sexuality has nothing to do with this. Fagan, Leon is on our side. It doesn't matter if he betrays us or not. We're going down either way without a plan, and Leon is our best shot."

                Fagan reluctantly shut up, crossing his arms and settling for flicking taunting looks at Leon. Leon's arm tensed as he clutched the dice in his hand, but his face gave nothing away.

                "What will happen to Brooke?" Tessa asked.

                "Constance said he wouldn't expel any of us," I said.

                "He won't," Leon confirmed. "The Academy has a reputation for being able to handle any troublemakers. If they expelled kids, it would be like saying they couldn't handle them." He ran a hand through his hair, tugging on it. "He's furious that I was targeted. I don't know what he'll do to her, but it won't be good news."

                "If he didn't want you targeted, why did he send you after Beckett?" I said.

                "Because he trusted that I could keep Beckett under control," Leon said with a shrug. "I've known Beckett since we were young."

                "Well, that sure backfired," Fagan said.

                "What do we do?" Tessa asked Beckett.

                I didn't miss the hesitation he had at the question. I didn't miss the doubt on his face, the way his eyes flicked away from her.

                "Constance told you you'll never be as good as Kaz," I said. "He said you're not a leader, didn't he?"

                "He's not wrong," Beckett said after a moment of silence. "Kaz was a strong leader. I just know how to work my way around the Academy to pull off plans."

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