Chapter 10

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I still couldn't believe that Lancing was after me and Josiah wouldn't help me out of it. Actually it wasn't too surprising that he wouldn't help, I mean why would he? The guy hates me, but it was all his fault. I didn't want to be dragged into all of this but now look where I'm at, being hunted.

I didn't know what to do and I was starting to get paranoid. The past few days I had been jumpy, afraid that he would come out from nowhere and get me. I knew I couldn't contact the police without fear of getting in trouble with Josiah. And even if I did go to the police what would I tell them? This guys spiked my drink and now I'm afraid he's going to kill me? I have no proof of anything, and reporting it would all lead back to Josiah since it is his club and he was the witness.

So I'm on my own, I've considered telling Tyler but he's been distant ever since that night we had dinner and stuff. I was afraid to tell the girls, I felt it might even put them at risk. Calling my brother wasn't really an option either, I was afraid of him getting hurt. Maybe I could just go and beg Josiah again? But I don't even know where to find him, I didn't write down the address of his house when I left and I don't know where that dungeon is located, not that I want to go back there anyway. I could always try the club but I was afraid Lancing might be there instead.

I sighed and looked down at my paper work, Richard still hadn't returned to work since he was still in the hospital and I had to do most of his work.

During lunch break I walked up to Tyler's desk with a smile on my face, "Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go out to eat for lunch today?"

He looks up at me with a small smile, "Sorry babe I have a lot of paperwork today, maybe next time?" I gave him a small smile, "Oh yeah sure, maybe I could get us both lunch and we can eat right here?" I offer.

He shakes his head, "No it's okay I'm fine really."

"Oh okay, next time then." He nods before facing his work again. I walk away from his desk with a frown on my face. "You going out for lunch?" Susan asks as she grabs her bag.  I shrug, "I was."

She frowns, "Don't tell me he turned you down again. That's the third time this week!"

"He's probably just really busy Susan." She shakes her head, "Come on we'll have lunch together." She grabs my arm and leads me out of the door.

"How've you been?" She asks as we are seated in the restaurant. I shrug, "I could be much better, how about you?"

"I'm doing alright, what's going on with you and Tyler? Is this because of what happened the other night? If so then you better run, because that boy is a fuck boy in disguise."

"Tyler's not a fuck boy, he's really sweet and he genuinely cares about me. It's just a busy week and he needs to get his work done."

She shakes her head, "Cammie tell me, has he texted or even checked up on you since that night?" I look away and shake my head.

"Oh Camille, this is your first relationship so I want you to be careful and watch for the signs."

"What signs?" I ask.

"Fuck boy signs."

I sigh, "He's not a fuck boy Susan, he's way too sweet and thoughtful to be one."

"Those are the worst types of fuck boys, the sensitive fuck boys. A fuck boy in camouflage. He lends you his favourite sweater, he's smart, he's thoughtful. He writes you a poem. But he's sexting another girl the whole time." I gasp, "Susan I don't want to talk about this right now." The last thing I needed was to be convinced my boyfriend was cheating on me.

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