Chapter 22

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Knock knock.

"What is it?" Charlie enters the office with a box in his hand, "There is a package for you."

"Since when do I receive packages?" He shrugs, "It's been checked, it's safe to open."

I open the box and pull out a bag of hair. My breath hitches when I recognize the texture, "Camille." Charlie says.

I pull out the card that came with the package and read it, "More to come! Your secret admirer XOXO."

I clench my jaw, "Get a finger print analysis on this card immediately!" Charlie quickly grabs the card and heads out of the room.

I log into the tracking device on Camille's phone, only to find it disconnected. I pick up my phone and call her house phone, "Hello?" A voice answers.

"Rosa where's Camille?"

"Is this Josiah? What do you want?"

"Where is Camille?" I ask again angrily. "She's out still, she went out with Tyler and he called to tell me she was gonna hang at his for the night. Why do you care?"

"Because someone just sent me a clump of her fucking hair. When did Tyler call you." I saw as I grab my coat and get into my car.

"Um, like around 9. And she left at like 3." I growl, "I'm on my way."

I hang up and speed down the highway toward Camille's apartment. I unlock the door with my key and both Rosa and Mitchie gasp. "How'd you get a key?"

"No time for that, give me your phone." I snatch Rosas phone from her hand and look through the call list for Tyler. I was about to walk out of the room when Mitchie stopped me, "Wait what's going on? Is Camille okay?"

"She will be just leave this to me, I'll keep you updated." I walk out of the door and back out to my car. I use Tyler's phone number to track his phone to find out where he is. I follow the directions to a large condo. I don't bother knocking on the door but instead bust it open. "Hey what the hell?" Tyler says looking up.

When he sees me he quickly reaches for his gun on the table but I shoot his arm. "Where the hell is Camille." I say waking over to him and grabbing him by his shirt collar.

"She went home."

I pull out my gun and press it to his head, "You're messing with me on the wrong day, now where is she!"

He smirks, "I left her at the pier, or maybe I pushed her into a lake, who knows?"

I glare at him before throwing him against the wall. "Where the hell is she?"

"She doesn't want you to save her Jo, she's tired of you. She told me herself." I click my gun and he chuckles, "You won't shoot me, I'm your only hope of finding her."

"You're right. But you're not telling me anything, which makes you pretty useless. So I'm gonna give till the count of three to talk otherwise I'm pulling the trigger."

Tyler shakes his head, "You're bluffing."


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