Chapter 18

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It's been a couple weeks since Camille has come to stay with me and I've managed to keep my distance. It seems as though my body has a mind of its own when it comes to her and I lose self control.

I wasn't even planning to bring her here, I was going to keep her in a safe house with a bunch of nurses and security. But instead I brought her here to live with me like a dumb ass. Now I have to keep hiding away from her in my own house. It's not difficult though, she stays downstairs usually with the nurse while I keep my distance by staying in my office. The only time I every run into her is when the nurse leaves and she decides to wander around the house out of boredom.

She can walk on her ankle now, it healed quickly. At least that's what the doctor told me, but her arm still needs time. Her cast has been reduced to just a cast without the sling and she moves around on her own now.

At the moment it was around 8:00 am and I was in my office doing work. Or at least trying to because someone was blasting music from the downstairs living room. From what I could tell it was Beyoncé.

I leave my office and head downstairs to turn the music down but before I enter the living room I notice Camille with the tv remote in her hand using it as a microphone. She was mouthing the words as Beyoncé sang them and following the choreography. It was quite entertaining to watch.

She turns back toward the kitchen and turns around again and starts strutting down to the tv. "Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh nana. Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh nana." Then she starts bouncing up and down and I can't help but laugh, gaining her attention. "You're quite the performer." I compliment. Her whole face was now a light pink color and she pauses the music. "I'm sorry was I disturbing you?" She asks.

I shrug, "A bit, but seeing you perform was quite worth it." She avoids eye contact before heading toward the kitchen. I follow her to grab a snack for myself as well. When I get into the kitchen I notice Camille trying to reach a granola bar on the top shelf. Does everything this girl do have to be so cute? I sigh before grabbing the granola bar for her. "Thanks." She mumbles before taking a seat at the table.

There was an awkward silence that was in the air, both of us avoiding eye contact with each other and not talking. "Aren't you going to go back to your office?" She asks suddenly. "Why? Do you want me to?"

She nods, "That would be appreciated." I look at her and she's still not looking at me, just staring right through the glass table. "Are you afraid of me Camille?" I ask.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"You haven't been this whole time I've known you. Why now?"

She finally turns and looks at me, "Who said I wasn't? And I've just a lot more time to think."

"And what are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking that I want to get out of here and away from you as soon as my arm is healed."

"Why?" I ask. She frowns at me, "Because you are a dangerous man Josiah and I feel like when it comes to you danger always follows. So I want to leave."

"We both know you're safer here then out there on your own. I'm not the one you should be afraid of."

She quirks an eyebrow, "Oh really? The man who killed a man right in front of me and then acted like nothing happened? The man who has a fucking torture chamber in his dungeon house thingy? The man who threatened me with my family if I ever considered snitching? That's the man I shouldn't be afraid of?"

I sigh, "Camille I-" She puts a hand up to stop me, "Save it, please." She gets up and walks away and I was tempted to go after her but isn't this exactly what I wanted to begin with? Her to fear me like everyone else does?

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