Chapter 14

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"Guys, what else do you know about Josiah Wells?" I ask them as we eat breakfast on a Saturday morning. They look up at me with questioning looks on their face, "Why?" Rosa asks.

"Because apparently he's pretty known but I hadn't ever heard of him till that night." I tell them. Which wasn't entirely a lie, I wanted to know what was known about Josiah in the public.

"Well he's a very dangerous man, he's killed a lot of people." Rosa says. I shudder, I've kissed a killer. Mitchie nods, "I heard he even killed his own mother when he was younger." I gasp, "What? Really?"

She nods, "Thats what I heard."

Rosa scoffs, "I don't believe that, but I do know that he's stinking rich."

"How does he get all of his money?" I ask. "Drug trade, weapon trade, and prostitution probably."

"And he never gets caught?" Mitchie shakes her head, "I've heard he's got dirt everyone in the justice system, so everyone just ignores his crimes. And plus he's good at covering them up too. Once there was this man that had been missing for 12 years and they found a speck of his cremated ashes in a sand box."

Rosa laughs, "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard Mitch. What kind of sicko puts a cremated mans ashes in a sandbox?"

"Josiah Wells."

I gulp, hearing all this about Josiah made me extremely uncomfortable. I didn't think Josiah was a good guy but I never thought of him as a sick twisted bastard. "Um I'm going to the bathroom." I say before scurrying off. I splash some water on my face and sigh as I look into the mirror, "What have you really gotten yourself involved in Cam?"

I wipe my face with a towel before joining the girls for breakfast again. "You alright?" Rosa asks as she takes a bite of her hash brown. I nod, "Just peachy."

After breakfast the girls and I decide to all go shopping together. We get dressed and head out. When we get outside to the parking lot near our apartment, there was a car with a banner on it labeled "Camille".

"Um is that yours?" Mitchie asks. I shake my head, "I didn't buy a car."

Rosa grabs my arm, "There's a card attached lets read it." She leads me to the car and hands me the card.

"I hope not to see you walking the streets late at night anymore." I look down at who it's from, "J."

"So you do have a sugar daddy!" Mitchie exclaims. I shake my head, "No because I'm giving this back." Rosa shakes her head, "Camille he bought you a whole ass car you are not returning it until we've gone to the mall and come back. And I honestly think you should keep it." I sigh, if only they knew who it was actually from.

It had been 2 weeks since breaking up with Tyler and Josiah dropping me off at home that night. I hadn't heard from either one of them since. "You getting in or what?" Rosa asks as she sits in the passenger seat. "Where'd you get the keys?" I ask.

She holds up the card, "They were inside, now lets go shopping!" Mitchie climbs into the backseat and caresses the seat with her hands, "Your sugar daddy must be loaded because this is a nice ass car."

I get into the drivers seat and pull out of the parking spot. I drive us to the mall and we arrive shortly after. "So where do we start?" Mitchie asks as we get out from the car.

The girls look at each other, "Macy's!" They grab my hand and drag me along with them to the store. They immediately go after the shoe department and start looking. I wasn't in the mood for shopping, the only thing on my mind was Josiah and the car.

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