Chapter 16

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Josiah refuses to take the car back and I refuse to drive it. It's been 3 whole weeks since I last saw him and the car is still here. Mitchie and Rosa think I'm crazy for not keeping the car but of course they don't understand the situation. They just think I'm hooking up with a rich guy.

"If you're not gonna drive it, can I?" Mitchie asks. I give her a look and she shrugs, "I had to ask." The 3 of us stand in the parking lot staring at the car. "If you don't drive it for a long time the battery will die." Rosa says.

I sigh, "Then I'll drive it once a month or something."

"Cam are you gonna tell us the real reason why you don't want to drive this car?" Rosa asks. "I already told you I just don't want anything to do with the guy. I mean that's understandable right? I have a boyfriend."

They nod, "Yeah but your boyfriend didn't buy you this car." I frown and they laugh. "I'm kidding Cam, I get it." Mitchie says.

"Why haven't you just driven it back to his house?"

I shake my head, "I don't even remember where he lives." Rosa shrugs, "Look him up, maybe you could find something." I nod, "Maybe."

I wasn't going to look him up, I'd looked him up too many times already. The search results were always the same and never really useful.

"Well I'm going inside to make lunch, what do you guys want?" Mitchie asks. "Burgers." Rosa and I both reply. She nods before jogging up the steps back to our apartment. Rosa and I decide to follow her up but as I walk up the steps I get a phone call. I pull my phone out of my pocket and smile when I notice Tyler's name pop up on the screen. "Let me take this I'll be right inside." I tell Rosa.

She nods before heading back yo to our apartment. "Hey." I smile as I answer the phone. "Hey babe, I was wondering if you wanted to go out today?"

I smile, "Yeah I'd love to."

"Great I'll pick you up in 20 minutes." We say our good byes and I head back up toward our apartment.

When I get inside Rosa and Mitchie are sitting on the floor back to back with their hands tied behind their back and a man with a gun circling them. There were men in the kitchen area too eating some chips. My eyes widen and I quickly hide behind the wall. I peek a bit out to see what's going on. "Where's your friend?" The man with a gun asks.

"We're not sure, she went out." Mitchie says in a faint voice, tears streaming down her face. "That's a lie, her car is outside." The man says. "She doesn't drive it, I swear!"

"Where'd she get it from then?" He asks. "Someone gave it to her!"

The man gives a threatening smirk, "May I ask who?"

The girls both look terrified, "We don't know." Rosa says quietly. I shot goes off and I quickly hide behind the wall again with my hands over my mouth to keep from screaming. I quickly dial 911, which I should've done in the first place. I put the phone to my ear and back away from the door frame.

"911 what's your emergency?" The operator asks. "There are men with guns in my house." I whisper very quietly. "What? I can't hear you speak up ma'am."

"Well well, look who I found boss." I look up in front of me and one of the men from the kitchen was standing right in front of me with a smirk on his face. I gulp and try to get up and run but I knew it was no use, he grabbed me by the arm before I could even make it anywhere and brought me to the living room.

The man picks up my phone with a smirk, "Sorry false alarm." He says with a thick New Jersey accent before hanging up and smashing my phone on the counter. "We don't need Big Jo coming to rescue you. Or do we?"

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