Chapter 36

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It has been two days and I am freaking out! I have not heard from Josiah, nothing from Charlie, and the guards know nothing? At this point I'm not even sure of what to do.

I could try to snoop? The guards would probably stop me.

Losing the guards doesn't seem like a simple task.

I run up to my bedroom and call Rosa, "Text me something that will look like it's from Josiah to get the guards off my back."

"Huh? Why?"

"I just really need you to do it, I'll explain soon."

She sighs, "Don't make me regret this."

My phone beeps after she hangs up, notifying me that I have a text message. I change her contact name to Josiah and read the message. "Inform the guards to drop you off at the apartment. From there you should no longer be under their watch. Something urgent is happening and I need to hide you. I'll try to talk to you soon babe, love you."

Wow, she put a lot of thought into that one. And incorporated me being brought back to the apartment, probably expecting answers from me. Gotta love Rosa.

I walk out to the front door and alert the guards with the message, "Josiah just sent me this, is everything okay?" I pretend to seem scared, knowing damn well the message is fake. The first guard reads over the message carefully, "Why weren't we alerted by him personally."

I shrug, "I don't know, is that what he usually does? The message says urgent." The guard starts contemplating, unsure of what to do. "You will stay here until we get word from Josiah."

I frown, "This is the only thing I've heard from Josiah in two days, and I know you haven't heard anything because I ask every minute!"

The guard crosses his arms, "Until I can verify the message from either Charlie or any other higher up you will remain here."

"And what if there's an attack on its way right now?"

"Then I will protect you, that is my job after all."

Damn this guy is hard to get through.

"Alright, I guess if I die Josiah will know exactly who to blame for not escorting me out of this house." The guard begins contemplating again, "Fine, I'll escort you back to the apartment personally. But I'm not leaving."

"Someone doesn't know how to follow instructions." I mumble. I grab my bag and follow the guard out of the house. He opens the car door for me before getting into the drivers seat himself. I was actually very familiar with this guard, he was always outside the door and surveying the premises. He was the head guard and his name was Thomas. So you could say I was pretty used to his presence. He didn't talk too much, only when I asked him things.

Thomas drives us over to my old apartment and parks behind the building. He begins getting out of the car when I stop him. "You're coming up with me too? Wouldn't it be a better idea if you watched out here?" He furrows his brows at me, "I suppose I can briefly."

I smile at him before heading up the stairs to my apartment. I wave at him from above before walking through the door. Rosa is the first face I see, "Camille what is going on?"

"I just needed to get away from the guards a bit that's all." I didn't want to tell her my plan, knowing she would stop me. "Wheres Mitchie?" I ask trying to change the subject.

"She's had something to do, why are you avoiding the guards? Where's Josiah?"

I sigh, "He's busy, I just wanted to chill for a bit."

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