A Prisoner

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My head is a substation
My thoughts trains
Racing one another
With no certain destination
And all I can hear are the howls
Of train breaks waiting for passengers
But I am the only passenger here
A lonely tourist
Who got lost in the hollow halls
With roofs so high
And no ladders to climb.

My body as hollow as my bird cage
From which my bird has soared away
But what about me?
I'm stuck in here.

My hands two dancers
Shaking their limbs
To the trembling beats of my heart
My legs two swings
Too fragile for any weight to sink in
Too prone to be broken any minute.

I am a fragile old wooden house
Scared of confronting people
For maybe I will fall down and break
I had held too much
I have become so brittle.

And my heart..
My heart a hotel lobby
With all its furniture torn and worn out
And its colors have faded
Cuz it never gets to see the light
Though it was once so bright
But now it is just doomed
And all of its joy has turned into dust.

And I'm so depressed
So every time I try to run away from this
It pulls me down into my bed
And I've always thought the monsters lived under there
Truth is they live in my chest
That cave where they party hard every night
Blocking away the air I try to inhale
And I can do nothing about it
Gravity keeps pulling me down deeper
I'm paralysed
And the monsters, they get creeper
So don't ask me when I'm not around
Why I'm not being present and loud
Cuz I've got no other choice
I am a prisoner
I am my own prisoner
And I might never ge out.

July 2nd 2017

Cassandra Where stories live. Discover now