Chapter 7 - I Put A Spell On You

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In the parking lot Meg told Norman to make his way over to Magazine Street and park somewhere between 3rd and 4th streets. She knew of a basement bar where the lights were very low and the drinks were strong and they wouldn't have to worry about being bothered. Plus it was close to where she was staying.

They were able to park in the same space and in a very short time they were huddled together at a table in a dark corner of the Ruby Duchess, and Norman was telling Meg more about the television show he was on, in particular about the other actors he worked with. She had heard of a couple of them from old shows she had seen, but for the most part she was pretty clueless about recent pop culture. He also told her about his teenage son from a long-term relationship he'd had in his mid-twenties. She told him a few of the more outrageous stories from various assignments she'd had over the years, and had him laughing one minute and shocked the next.

After a couple of more whiskeys on the rocks, they got up to dance to the slow bump-n-grind music that seemed to be the staple in this bar. They wrapped their limbs around one another and moved slowly back and forth, their faces just a breath apart and their gaze locked together. Norman buried his hands in that thick awesome hair and pulled her mouth to his. He wanted to devour her lips after the agonizing build-up, but instead he treated her mouth as if it was a rare, delicate treat. His tongue lapped at her soft upper lip that tasted of the sweet, smoky Irish whiskey she'd been drinking all night. When she opened her mouth to give him deeper access, he groaned deep in the back of his throat and their tongues began a battle for dominance. The evidence of his arousal was soon pressed against her soft belly and she pulled back a little.

"My body is screaming for release, and I'm sure yours is as well," she said in his ear. He immediately nodded. "Can we do this and handle it like adults?" Again he nodded in agreement.

Taking his hand, she led him out of the bar and took a right down Magazine Street; the house she was renting at was only four blocks down. She'd locked their bike wheels together and prayed it was enough. As they neared the mansion, Norman started looking around in disbelief.

"Where're we going?" he asked.

"I'm renting the third floor of an old renovated mansion right up the road here."

"Is that it?" He asked, pointing at the white brick and black shuttered home.

Meg stopped short and looked over at him. "Yes."

He walked up to the keypad, entered the code, and the gates swung open. She just shrugged her shoulders as if this wasn't the biggest damn freakshow ever, and began dragging him up the stairway with her.

Inside the flat, she walked over to the stereo and turned on some soft blues music and then beckoned him over to the bed that was bathed in moonlight streaming in from the rows of windows. She began undressing and he did the same until they were both completely naked. Up close she was as stunning as he remembered, but what he hadn't seen from afar was all the scars. He saw six round puckered scars that he assumed were bullet wounds. There could have been others hidden under the elaborate tattoos that ran down both arms and across the top of her back and shoulders. He couldn't count the many other scars from unidentified sources on her legs, back, and abdomen.

For her part, Meg was very happy with the purely masculine body of Norman Reedus. He had the defined musculature of someone that used his body for physical work on a regular basis. He had various tattoos, as well, and the thing that made him a man was quite... manly.

"Sit up against the headboard, please," she asked, just above a whisper. In response, he threw the pillows onto the chair next to the bed and pulled the covers down. Once in place, she climbed up, grabbed hold of the wrought iron headboard, and straddled him so that they were both in an upright position, holding her body to where the tip of what made him a man was inches away from the center of what made her a woman.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" she whispered into his mouth.

"I've never wanted anything more in my life. The evidence is pretty obvious."

"I'm not an easy woman, so please... don't get attached." This she said as she lowered her wet core inch by inch onto him. His breath came in pants and a growl started deep in his chest.

"No... prom... ises..." he ground out and when her speed increased and she squeezed his nipples while biting his collarbone, his eyes rolled to the back of his head.


In the early hours of the morning, Norman laid on his side looking over at Meg's back. She had fallen into a deep sleep almost as soon as she'd crawled out from underneath him after their last round of sex. He hadn't even known he was capable of what she'd gotten his body to do. He knew he should be exhausted, and he was, but his mind was fully awake and playing the highlight reel.

Where most women that Norman slept with seemed to be too intently aware of him in every moment and unable to let go, Meg had a keen intuition that his ability to bring her pleasure is what would actually do it for him. She'd shown him what she liked, when, the speed and how much pressure to apply. The result had been revolutionary for him. He hadn't even known the human body was capable of some of the things they'd done.

Looking at her back, he was struck anew at all the scars and couldn't help but wonder about all the pain and suffering she must have been through. She'd been loud and clear in her actions and words that he shouldn't get attached, but he wasn't able to stop his natural curiosity and admit that he'd never been this deeply in lust with a woman before. In this city of Voodoo, he felt as if he was under a spell.

"If you're gonna just lay there staring at me and being creepy, at least make yourself useful."

Her voice startled him out of his reverie. She turned over and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. The moonlight made her dark eyes shine and played across her kiss swollen lips, and just like that he was at attention and ready to go. She scooted over and slung one leg over his hip and he slipped home. She closed her eyes and sighed and it was nearly enough to send him over.

"Slow... let's take it real slow and let the friction do its work." Her eyes popped open and locked with his and they moved slowly, their breath synching together. Her eyes started to close and Norman grabbed her jaw and whispered, "Open your eyes, Meg. I want you to look at me when you explode this time."

She obeyed and a few seconds later when he felt her muscles clamp down on him her eyes opened wider and a smile lit up her face. When it was over this time and she turned away from him, she didn't remove his hand from around her waist. She yawned deeply and said, "Now, go to sleep you Maniac."

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