Chapter 23 - Calm Before the Storm

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Back at the cabin that afternoon, Meg called her old boss, Bob, back at CIA headquarters. She filled him in on Michael Tayte and Norman's connection with him and how she was concerned that he might have figured out that she was Nikki McGowan.

"I'll take a soft look into his activities and make sure there's no chatter that includes your name. I'll get back to you in a day or two, but please stay put until then."

"No worries, I've got no plans to leave for a while. Plus, I've got everything set up here. No one can make it onto the property without me knowing."

"That's the Mack M.D. that we all know and love." She winced just a bit given that this was more or less what had caused her to have to call. "Now, business aside, tell me how you are. Have you adjusted okay? Are you happy?"

She couldn't help but smile, as the fatherly Bob came out. He had always taken a special interest in Meg and had become a mentor and supporter. "I'm actually pretty good right now. As close to happy as I've ever been."

"Is this because of the guy? The celebrity who's Instabook you said you think you may have been seen in."

Meg snorted, "It's called Instagram, Bob, and yes it's mostly because of him. For some reason he seems willing to put up with all my damn baggage just to be with me."

Bob sighed down the line before saying, "He sounds like one hell of a smart guy to me."


After hanging up, Meg went back into the cabin and discovered that Norman had fallen asleep on the sofa. He looked so young and peaceful that she simply stood and watched him for several minutes before heading to the kitchen to make some supper.

She decanted a bottle of Liar's Dice Red Zinfandel while she boiled water for the Ravioli she took out of the freezer. While it was boiling, she popped some Italian Bread in the oven and threw together a simple Caesar salad. The final touch was to toss the lobster and crab stuffed ravioli in some avocado oil and walnut pieces.

She was debating whether to go ahead and plate the meal or go wake Norman up when he surprised her by saying, "That smells amazing!"

"Let's hope it tastes as good as it smells, then," she replied, while blushing slightly.

Norman watched the blush spread across her cheeks and cause her freckles to stand out even more. It did crazy things to his mind, as he felt like blushing was something a woman like Meg didn't do on a regular basis. The fact that his opinion meant that much to her was mind-boggling to him.

The meal didn't last long; both of them were ravenous after all the activities that day. The food was sublime and the wine was so light that they drank it fast enough to get a good buzz going. Meg looked over the rim of her glass to find Norman staring at her at one point and she raised her eyebrow in that way that drove him wild.

"What are you staring at, Reedus?"

"Literally the most surprising woman I've ever met in my life," he replied in that deep growly voice that caused ovaries to explode all over the planet. "All in the same day I've discovered you have a secret lair of weapons, you've mastered two types of bows, saved our asses from a bear by running straight up a damn tree trunk, made love to me in a hunting blind, came home and cooked us a beautiful meal, and honest-to-God blushed when I complimented you on it." He stopped and cocked his head to the side as he the words he just said out loud settled in.

She swallowed her drink and then held her glass up in salute. "I hope you know it's all downhill from here." Then giggled because she was a little tipsy.

He flushed and then laughed back, because her giggle made her even more alluring. As he watched, she got up and walked over to his chair, straddled his lap, and took his face into her hands. "You make this sound so one sided, sir, but you need to know just how damn lucky I am to have met you. Aside from being the sexiest man I've ever met, you are also the most patient and kind and interesting. Even in my imagination I couldn't have conjured a better man than you, Norman Reedus. You saved me before I even knew I needed saving. Your love will be etched into my soul from now until I leave this earth, no matter where life takes us. And mine will follow you no matter how far or long we may ever be separated from one another."

Before he could reply, she kissed him long and deep. The kiss was a beginning and maybe an ending of a sort. Her words carried a promise, but also a warning. But for now, the taste of her mouth, her natural honeyed scent combined with the sweet berries of the wine, obliterated his thoughts until his entire world was condensed into the space that existed between their bodies. It went on and on until every surface of each other's mouth was explored. At some point the taste of salt invaded and when they pulled back finally, Norman was shocked to discover it wasn't just Meg's tears, but also his that mingled on their faces.

He picked her up and carried her up the stairs and laid her down on her bed. He lay down next to her and pulled her tightly against his side. This was not a time for sex, just being close and holding one another was enough. Soon enough, they had both fallen into a deep sleep with only the stars overhead to witness their peaceful faces.

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