Chapter 19 - Bring Me to Life

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"Do you think he knows it's you?" Norman asked, knowing his old friend would have seen the pictures.

"I don't know. Beyond the hair and contacts, I was wearing cheek extenders, a bottom lip plumper, nose prosthetic, and make-up that covered my freckles." She shook her head as she made eye contact. "But given the fact that he makes his living studying and capturing peoples expressions and that he was as obsessed with Nikki as he was..."

"What do we do?"

"Nothing," She said and saw the immediate look of disapproval on his face. "Listen, I can't tell you what to do, but I can't break protocol without discussing it with my boss."

"You don't work there anymore."

"Don't be obtuse, Norman."

"Sounds pretty fucking simple to me, Meg... it's a free country. "

And just like that all emotion left her face and her back straightened as if a steel rod had been inserted. The only giveaway that she was pissed was that her eyes darkened a couple of shades. "Listen, Norman, I get that Michael Tayte is your friend and that in the course of carrying out my duties to my country I hurt him. But that operation saved thousands, maybe tens of thousands, of young lives from an existence of forced sexual slavery and if I had to do it again I would, in a heartbeat. I do feel regret that he was caught in the crossfire, because he was innocent, and I sincerely hope that someday I can apologize to him..."


"But I pledged an oath when I was 19 years old and again when I was 26 and the words didn't lose their meaning just because I retired." Suddenly her shoulders dropped an inch and the slightest sheen of tears filled her eyes. "This is who I am; who I was afraid would keep us from being together. This is what drove the man I was supposed to marry away; I couldn't walk away from my commitment and love for the job and my country. It's why I've been on a pilgrimage across the country trying to fulfill his bucket list instead of living in the 'burbs having his babies. This is what I'm afraid will drive you away."

Now she turned away and shook her head. Norman watched the vermilion curls bounce across her shoulders. His mind was spinning as he processed the fact that the list he saw was not her list, but that of her ex. But why was she doing it? What was the purpose? After a few minutes she continued.

"His name was Doug and all of this was supposed to be for him, but in the end it was really for me. He died and in my effort to honor him I ended up learning to live... Because of you, Norman." She said without turning around to look at him.

He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He wasn't exactly sure how this was all going to play out. His emotions regarding Michael were complicated by his own sense of guilt over how he treated the guy regarding his annoying obsession for a woman everyone else was convinced was dead. He had even stopped recommending Michael to his friends in the business and Helena had dropped him, as well. But right this minute, none of that mattered. He felt the overwhelming need to make this woman he loved understand that no matter what, he wasn't going to abandon her. That he loved her for all of her, not just the part that made him comfortable and happy.

He turned her around and lifted her chin until she was looking directly at him. "I love that you are so dedicated and trustworthy. It's comforting to know that your word means something to you. I will never ask you to be something you don't want to be, Meg. I mean that, because I don't need you to fulfill me. That's not your responsibility."

She smiled at him and kissed him gently. "This isn't over, unfortunately. I'll have to call in and see what the recommended course of action is, but it can wait a few days. My cabin is off grid and I have sat-coms, so I'll do it there. We'll let it lie and enjoy ourselves if you're still up for it?"

"Deal," he said as his hands slipped under her tank top. "Let's start by throwing a sleeping bag in that tall grass over there and take a nap... clothing optional." He cocked an eyebrow at her and she couldn't help but let out a snort.

"But I'm not tired." She replied.

"Oh, you will be, darlin'".

*** Author's Note***

Sorry for the short chapter, but Norman finding out that Meg's bucket list wasn't actually hers was important to move the story forward, as he let's him in on some good insights to what motivates her. I've added a song at the top that makes me think of how Meg was living life before Norman. Alive, but not living. Thank you all for reading - please drop a comment to let me know what you think so far and any suggestions you might have!

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