Chapter 31 - The King's Gambit

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Through the dozens of perfectly placed cameras, Meg watched the excruciatingly slow progress of El Sombre for more than an hour until he came across the tree stand that she and Norman had taken refuge in. It was smart; he'd have a clear line of sight to anyone approaching from any side. She was hoping that he would come straight to the cabin so they could get it over and done with quickly, but she knew that if the tables were turned, she would also take the time to get a lay of the land and observe her prey's habits.

She had a decision to make now – wait him out until he came looking for her, or go to him. Looking at the tree she knew that there would be no clear shot of him from a long range as long as he stayed put in the stand. That meant having to figure out a way to draw him out without getting herself killed in the process. There were a few questions she wished she had answers to, like did he know she knew about him and how aware would he be that she had safeguards around the property to tip her off?

Meg came to the decision that he couldn't possibly think that she knew about the contract. Until Norman made contact with Michael Tayte, there'd be no indication that they had put the Nikki McGowan connection together. That question answered, she knew that the other question would be moot. Surely he would expect an ex-CIA operative to keep her home secure, but if he thought he had the element of surprise he'd feel he could take time to avoid her security systems.

"Well, damn" she said out loud to the room. Waiting it out seemed to be the only answer. If she kept completely out of sight perhaps Norman and Bob's plan would work and would draw the assassin into her lair, thinking she was actually in the city with Norm. The element of surprise would swing the odds into her favour. Resigned, she settled into the office chair in front of the monitors to keep an eye on her uninvited guest.


Norman stood outside the door to Michael Tayte's penthouse above his studio with his hand held up to knock. It was just past 8am, but he remembered Michael being an early riser who liked to drink coffee as he read the Times before starting his work day. He gave himself a last minute pep talk in order to keep his rage under control. Finally ready, he rapped on the door 3 times in quick succession.

His head was down when the door swung open, purposefully looking sad and abashed. He heard the sharp intake of breath, however, and lifted his head as Michael said his name with real surprise.

"Norman! What... I mean, what are you doing here?" His eyes wide, he added "And at this ungodly hour?"

Norman looked at him with the most sincere, yet sad smile he had ever worn. "I wouldn't blame you if you kick me straight back out of this building, but I'm hoping you'll invite me in instead."

Michael was caught completely off guard, just as Norman had hoped. Instead of saying anything, he stepped back and waved Norm into his apartment. They walked over to the small kitchen table where Michael had been drinking his coffee and sat down. It was apparent that the little man was taken off guard and yet, extremely curious about Norman's appearance.

"You want some coffee?" He asked and Norman shook his head. "Well, then, why don't you tell me what brought you to my humble abode? It's been years since I've heard from you, so I'm more than a little surprised to see you."

"I know, man, I know. And I'm sorry. I feel so bad about the way I just turned my back on you." Norman put his thumb up to his mouth and began chewing on his cuticle. After looking straight at the man for a few seconds he continued. "I've been seeing a woman for a couple of months..."

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