Chapter 13 - Going Public

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The next morning Meg drug Norman out onto the enormous balcony for a workout. The did push ups, squats, burpees, and then she put some music on and led him through some aerobic kickboxing moves until they were both sweating even with the cooler air of the morning.

Still breathing hard, they sat across from one another in the patio furniture that was on one end of the balcony. Meg slipped her sneakers off and then propped her feet on Mac's legs. He made a big deal about her sweaty feet and wrapped a towel around them, which of course caused Meg to continuously pull them out and try to pinch him with her toes. Soon they were both giggling and slapping at each other's hands and feet.

"What's on the agenda for today, have you made plans for us?" She asked when they calmed down.

"Nah... well, not until dinner anyway. I made plans for us to eat at Chaz on the Plaza downstairs. It's supposed to be one of the best in town."

Meg reached up and let her hair out of its ponytail and subtly leaned her head into her hand. "How about we walk around the Plaza and find a place to have an early lunch, and maybe do a little shopping?"

Norman pursed his lips and cocked his head slightly to the side. "You do realize that means risking being seen and photographed together in public."

"Well, my unobservant, but incredibly skilled, lover... I hate to break it to you but about 30 seconds ago someone started snapping pictures of us from the 20th floor of the building next to us." She rolled her eyes as she exclaimed, "Do not look over there! Your face is in the shadows, and my hair is shielding me right now. But we need to accept the fact that someone in this hotel has sold us out and will likely be selling security camera footage of us to one of the entertainment outlets soon."

"How the heck did you see them?"

"The sun glinted off the lens. Hell, a rookie agent would have seen that. The difference is that I'm seasoned enough to spot the difference between a photo lens and a gun barrel."

"What should we do?" He asked with raised eyebrows. "I mean, how do you feel about being in the public eye?"

"Look, Norm, I really don't care if you don't. But, I know nothing about your lifestyle, so I think you should call your agent or manager or whatever it is, and ask them. As for me, a quick call to my parents to warn them of potentially seeing my face on TV, in the unlikely event they were to accidentally switch away from the Weather Channel or CNN would be all I need to cover my bases."

"What about, you know... your former employer?"

Meg couldn't help but laugh. "Trust me, if anyone was to dig they'll find that I was a mid-level CIA Analyst and Weapons Trainer that spent her entire career at Headquarters. All of my injuries are recorded as happening during my SEALS days. No facial scanner on the planet would recognize the face I have now as the face I had when performing operations, and there is a very detailed paper and credit card trail that shows that I received my tattoos starting over 6 years ago, instead of within the last 6 months. My cabin is under a blind trust and is completely off-grid." She locked eyes with him and for a few seconds felt herself falling mindlessly before snapping back. "So, in answer to the original question, there is no reason for me to need to avoid being seen with you."

"You know you're going to be labelled, and people are going to try talking to you, and within a few weeks there will be rumours of me cheating or you cheating, baby bump watches, wedding date speculation, etc., etc."

Meg grimaced. "Makes the time I was undercover as a stripper sound like a trip to Disneyland."

Norman started to laugh and then sobered quickly. "Wait, you were a stripper?"

"Easy, cowboy," she smirked and cocked an eyebrow, "you keep taking such good care of me and maybe I'll show you some of my more popular moves."

Norman growled as he leaped up out of his chair and scooped Meg up in his arms. "Come on, I'm going to take care of you in the shower and then we're getting out of here."


Half an hour later, Meg's legs were still shaking from the vigorous sexual activity and multiple massive orgasms. Norman had become an absolute beast when it came to knowing what would make her body respond. As a result, she was now sitting on a padded bench in front of the bathroom mirror blowing drying her hair while she waited for her strength to return.

Behind her, the beast himself sat on the edge of the bed watching her. She was wearing blush pink hip hugger panties and a white tank top. He was mesmerized with the way her breasts would rise and fall while she used the large round brush while blow-drying her deeply dark reddish brown hair. The overhead light made the smattering of gray hairs glow. He loved that she didn't bother covering those up, the same way he loved that she didn't cover her freckles up with heavy make-up. The movement of her arms also caused the significant muscles in her arms to create movement in the tattoos covering them; one side containing portions of the globe and the emblem of the Navy SEALS, the other side covered with a mesmerizingly dark portrait of the Celtic Goddess of War, Morrigana.

"You're like a mythical creature... you are that sexy." He growled.

She froze in place before replying. "Considering that you just sexed me up so well that I'm weak as a kitten, I'm inclined to say that you're the supernatural one." She said as she made eye contact with him in the mirror. He was wearing a pair of boxer briefs and his muscular chest and arms were on display. She had begun to take for granted just how glorious his body was, but the slow perusal she took now was a fine reminder. He had his own tattoos and a smattering of scars here and there from a car wreck, and other mishaps when he was younger. He really was the stuff of women's fantasies...

Turning off the hairdryer, she laid down the hairbrush and walked over and straddled his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. "You really are one sexy zombie slayer, Reedus." She leaned down and outlined his lips with her tongue and then leaned back and sighed. "It's really going to suck when this little break is over. Not sure my vibrator is gonna be a good enough substitute."

Norman snorted at her. "Let's not think about it, just enjoy the next couple of weeks, and then we can decide which holidays we might want to spend naked and in bed."

"Deal" she said and walked back on her recovered legs and picked the hairdryer up and went back to her routine. While she had her head tilted, long hair hanging down in front of her right shoulder and running the dryer over the brush to one side, Norm walked up behind her and wrapped one arm around her breast and held up his phone. She turned her head up and buried her lips into the underside of his jaw, causing him to give a silly little smile while he snapped the shot. His manager had suggested that he preempt the paparazzi by putting his own pictures of them together on his social media. In response, he had already posted the post-sex picture of her he'd taken the previous afternoon, and now he was going to upload this one which would be the first to show them together. By tonight they would have one that showed her face, effectively rendering any photos from the hotel worthless.


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