Chapter 15 - Point of No Return

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The table that was reserved for them at the restaurant was in a fairly private corner, but Norman's presence had been noticed from the moment they walked in the door and the whispers and covert glances started. Their waiter, who was a big fan of the show, was great about keeping things low key for them.

The food was fantastic and perfectly complemented by a great bottle of wine. During the meal Meg told Norman about the small farmhouse in southern Nebraska that she had rented for them to stay in for a couple of nights before heading to Colorado and her cabin. From there, they would take her Harley and ride out to San Francisco where he would catch a flight back to Georgia with a few days to spare for his summer visit with Mingus to start. She asked him to tell her the funniest things that had happened to him during interview panels with fans or at comic cons and soon they were laughing hysterically. They held hands frequently and talked constantly, never running out of subjects – musical genres, favourite authors, favourite artists, and favourite movies.

As they were waiting for the check, an older couple stopped by their table on their way out. The woman patted Meg on the shoulder, "Watching you and your gentlemen tonight brought back so many memories of when we were young and so in love. But of course we were never quite as beautiful as the two of you are!" She giggled and they kept moving. After they left, Meg and Norm looked at each other and laughed although their faces were pretty red from the first part of her statement.

Before they left, the chef came by to get a picture with Norman, as did most of the rest of the staff. Their waiter was the last and before he left, Norman handed him his phone and asked him to take a couple of pictures of him and Meg together. They laughed as Norman looked at the shots and then made Meg take her pumps off because in the photos she was slightly taller than him. After the new photos were taken and the waiter, Brandon, handed the phone back, he leaned in a bit and whispered "Dude, if you don't mind me saying so... that is the hottest woman I've ever seen. You are one lucky sucker."

Norman patted him on the back, and looked over to where Meg was smiling and talking to the hostess. "Buddy, you don't know the half of it..."


Back up in the suite, Meg kicked her shoes off and started some music while Norman poured them both a whiskey over ice. He took his jacket off and they sat back on the sofa.

"Brandon has a crush on you, you know. I thought I was going to have to fight him there at the end."

"At least you have a taste of what it feels like to be the woman with you. I've rarely felt the need to carry a pistol as much as I do when I'm with you. Those female fans are craaaaazzzzy."

"It was quite tame tonight. People are really polite in the Midwest."

"Hey Norm?"


"I had a really good time tonight. I felt pretty and feminine and taken care of. Thank you for that."

"You're welcome."

They sat for a while and listened to the music while they finished their whiskeys before she stood and pulled him up off the couch.

"I have a surprise for you. I'm going into the other room to get it, and while I do that I need you to go change into something more comfortable and then come back in here and wait on me. Oh, and dim the lights, okay?"

He cocked an eyebrow and sat up. His curiosity was on high alert. He walked over to the room, but not without turning to look back at her once, twice, a third time just before going into the room and closing the door behind him.

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