Author's Note

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** Just an FYI that I am working through the editing / revision process based on feedback. I'm only a few chapters in on that process, and appreciate any and all comments or critiques you may have. Thank you! **

So first off, I want to warn you, dear reader, that there is an adult relationship depicted in this story. It contains descriptions of consensual sexual activity between people who are more than old enough to consent that might make you blush just a little. It did me... HA.

Second, while I wrote the story with Norman Reedus (star of The Walking Dead and Boondock Saints) in my mind's eye as the lead male character right from the beginning, I originally had a fake name for him, his shows, and all the other people that are in his life. But after reading many other Fan Fictions and seeing that it was normal to use the real names, I went back and changed it. The reason I'm telling you this? So if you see the name "Mac" where it should say "Norman", you'll understand. Just drop me a comment and I'll change it asap. 

Lastly, just a common request - please vote and comment! It's balm for a writer's soul to hear from their readers. Suggestions and feedback are what make all of us better. 

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