- deux -

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Scorpius is taking any opportunity to talk, and his mouth is moving a mile a minute.

His parents had passed around the twins before finally getting them to sleep and getting the Dursleys to follow them into the nursery to lay the girls down.

"You don't look like your Dads," Ava says boldly talking to Teddy. "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing's wrong with me," he says. Scorpius snorts and he shoves him playfully. "My parents died in the war and Pops adopted me."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I was barely a year old." He shrugged, picking at his ear awkwardly.

"So is your hair really blue?"

"Uh, I guess?" he says more like a question.

"Hair isn't supposed to grow in blue," she says matter-of-factly, but nods thoughtfully nonetheless. Scorpius laughs again before they're all called downstairs.

They walk into a discussion between Draco and Vivian on the different cauldron types. He is explaining why it's best to have more than one kind even if the list only specifically calls for pewter while Harry and Dudley look on. The rounder man is shifting from foot to foot and looking around the room a bit uncomfortably.

"I uh- I didn't know you were such a big deal here. I had only called you brave because I remember you saving me..." he whispers. "But Viv says you fought a war. She says you-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Draco starts, "Potter saved the world, but could he stop bragging long enough to ask the elves to make dinner? That'd be a real talent."

Harry smiles self deprecatingly, but he agrees to talk to the elves all the same.

"Wouldn't it be quicker for you to just cook something," Dudley asks confused and Draco scoffs out a laugh.

"Potter can't cook."

"Well, sure he can. He used to cook for us all the time."

"He what?" Draco said with narrowed eyes.

"We didn't have takeout every night," Teddy admits as well and Harry turns to him playfully shocked.

"Can I trust no one?" Harry says dramatically.

"I was thinking the same thing," Draco says with his hands on his hips. "Potter, you can cook?"

"If you mean cook so far as in am I able to make a few select meals...then yes. If you mean cooking like what you and Molly do, then absolutely not."

"Of course not like what I do! Mother was trained by French chefs and I learned from her. I wouldn't expect you to know how to professionally prepare fine French cuisine, but bloody hell- and you've had me fooled this entire time." He took long strides over and wrapped Harry into a hug. "That was so Slytherin of you I could almost cry."

"I hate you. I hate you so much."

When the paler man finally let go of him, he placed a huge kiss on his cheek causing the blood to rush to Harry's cheeks.

"Am I missing something?" Dudley asked confused from beside them.

"Pa said he couldn't cook," Scorpius says. "So he never has to make dinner."

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