- vingt sept -

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Scorpius was tentative when he knocked on his brother's door, but Teddy opened it with a smile and pulled his little brother into his house.

"Welcome to Casa de la Teddy!" he said happily, holding his arms out to either side of him to encompass the area around him.

"I'm just here for the dragons and invisible pegasi," said the younger blond, pushing past his brother towards the guest rooom to put his bags down. Teddy laughs as he follows him around the house excited to have company other than Elle and the creatures.

"They're called thestrals," Teddy corrected, helping Scorpius get comfortable in the room. He stands at the door while his younger brother moves around a guest room, that used to be his, picking stuff up and examining them before putting them back down.

"Do you like it out here?" he asked quietly.

"What, you plan on staying in the Manor the rest of your life?" Teddy asked not looking directly at him.

"Merlin, no," Scorpius said almost a little too harshly. He sits on the edge of the bed, fidgeting with a small toy car that had moving wheels. "I plan on getting a flat in London or something. I hate the idea of being alone in the country. Dad locked everything up, back when I was younger, ya know? So it was just us and the house elves. He made a prison for himself but I was dragged along for the most part. I never realized until Papa showed up and changed everything."

"Hogwarts is in the country," Teddy argues just for the sake of lightening the mood.

"But there's always something going on and it's full of people," Scorpius said, that haunted look not leaving his face. "I don't think I could live in the silence any more than you or dads seem to want to. You all have so much in the world to hide from, which isn't a bad thing, but I don't have those same connections that you lot do to people. To the war." He shakes his head with an unhumorous chuckle. "I don't know what they'd do without me though."

"They're grown men, Scorp," says his brother finally, "They'll figure it out. It's not for you to do for them. You have your own shit to figure out. Wherever you go, that's your decision to make. Now, c'mon I have to feed the babies before it gets too late."

Scorpius stood up, placing the car back onto the tall dresser and following his brother back down the hall out the back door, into the yard and towards the stables, feeling calmer than he had in a long time.


"Hold still!" Teddy orders as he aims his wand at a whining Scorpius.

"Why can't you just do this with Elle?" Scorpius says, but he stops fidgeting before letting out another yelp.

"They don't stick so it's no use pricking her over and over again."

Scorpius snorts and Teddy jabs his wand a little less gently, forcing Scorpius to reach for his ear in pain.

"I don't see why you're perfecting your piercing charms anyway," the younger boy says, looking into a mirror he conjures for himself then checking his face again with his phone camera.

"You like them, don't you?" Teddy asks quietly.

"You pick now to be sheepish about it? I look like I should be in a muggle punk band or something."

"Yeah," he agrees unenthusiastically. Teddy is looking more and more uncomfortable and Scorpius can see him fiddling with his own lip ring as he chews on the side of his mouth nervously.

"The piercings are fine, Ted. What's really going on with you?"

"It's a couple of things, actually..."

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