- quinze -

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Ava Primrose Dursley was sitting on a stool overlooking the entire student body of Hogwarts and she was memorably terrified for the first time in her life. Her Uncles sat at the head table behind her and she was trying her best not to fidget so much. Professor Longbottom smiled at her and she relaxed a little bit. He promised her everything would be fine, that the hat wasn't perfect, but it knew what you needed most. Even her Uncle Harry had told her the hat would take her opinion into account, she just didn't know much about the houses to really prefer one over the other. She was so nervous she had ignored the house introductions. All she knew was that Scorpius was in the blue house and Teddy was in the yellow one. Uncle Harry and Uncle Draco had been in the red and green houses respectively.

The woman in front of her, Headmistress McGonagall, she remembered, lifted the hat above her head and she squeezed her eyes shut in anticipation.

"It'll be alright, dear," the woman said softly, before finally letting the large floppy hat fall onto her head.

"Hmmmm..." started a deep raspy voice, booming inside her head, "a Squib-born, eh? I see...you have a strong will, but are you sure it's all your own?"

"Course, s'mine," she muttered with an angry pout. "Who's else would it be?" There was another rumbling between her ears, like the hat was laughing at her.

"You're not very trusting, but once you are..." the hat tutted, "You're extremely loyal, and you expect the same from others. You're resilient and your father has taught you ambition. A tough decision...A very tough decision."

The crowd of students were still looking at her, but by now she had decided that no one else could hear whatever the bloody hat was saying. Some people at the red and yellow table looked at her in awe. She hadn't realized how long the hat had just sat there making small humming noises until she started fidgeting on the seat again. Uncle Harry looked at her with a fond smile, as if he knew what she was going through. The stress and confusion and cacophony of other emotions.

Ava had started wondering how long it would take to pull at the loose string from the hat until she completely unraveled it to nothing. Would the magic still work if it were a scarf or a jumper or a pair of mittens or maybe even sorting socks! She was surprised when the hat finally gave what she could only describe as a chuckle and spoke to the rest of hall, her included.

"It'll have to be....HUFFLEPUFF!"

The headmistress smiled down at her and nodded towards the yellow table near the side of the room. She attempted to squeeze into an open seat at the end of the row and ignore everyone else who were still bubbling with happy energy. Teddy was next to her in moments, throwing a warm arm around her shoulders and she blushed from embarrassment.

"Congrats, cuz! Welcome to the best house at Hogwarts. Pretty cool that you stalled, doesn't really happen all that often, ya know?"

She looked at him more confused than before.

"Stalled?" she asked.

"Yeah," he said as the headmistress called another name and the hat sent that kid off to the red table, Gryffindor, she reminded herself. "Like the hat couldn't decide where to put you so it took'im a bit to decide. It means you would have a lot of potential wherever you ended up."

"How long was I up there?" she said surprised.

"Oh, only a coupl'a minutes, but most stalls end up in Gryffindor or Slytherin, so the fact you ended up here is pretty wicked."

The headmistress calls another name. And another. And another. And after a few moments, Ava finally smiles.

"Congratulations," says Teddy again from beside her and she thanks him honestly.

As she looked down the table at her new housemates, she decided that maybe Hufflepuff wasn't so bad, she looked at the school crest, even if their mascot was a badger. She laughed proudly.


Draco is sitting on the bed with his knees tucked into his chest, trying to force air into his lungs. He stops only to find his teeth together when the pain escalates for the fifth time. He is groaning into his pillow when Harry walks in, catches sight of him, and rushes over to his side.

"Draco! What happened? Are you alright?"

"Fuck off, Potter, I'm fine. Just a little stomach pain. It's just something I ate. You know how badly I react to shellfish and there was a crayfish dip for the-"

Harry had stopped listening and instead he was moving around the room and the bed, trying to make sure Draco was comfortable. He climbed up behind him to hold him steady. The blond, for all its worth, really was preening under the attention, even if he was still whining fr the pain.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Harry asked, still worried. Draco nodded and after a few minutes, the feeling passed and he relaxed more into his husband's grip.

"Did you tell Teddy to do that?" Draco said after they both just laid together for a bit.

"Do what?" asked Harry through a yawn.

"Talk to Ava. She looked uncomfortable and he walked over and just sat with her."

"I didn't have to. He's a nice kid. He doesn't like to see people down." Harry tried to hold in his laughter but Draco felt it anyway and elbowed him in the side.

"I'm just- I don't think I would have done that."

"You weren't a nice kid," Harry said chuckling, earning himself another elbow in the side.

"I mean, even if it were Blaise or Pansy, you imbecile. We dealt with stuff on our own. We always have. Even the stuff now with Blaise wanting a family, we don't talk about it. He just leaves when he feels uncomfortable..."

"You don't think you should talk to him about it?" Harry starts running a hand through his husband's soft hair.

"No, if he wanted to talk he would."

"Maybe he doesn't feel like you lot want to talk about it either."

"That's because we don't. You know we're no good with showing emotions...it'd be hard to listen to that. To talk about it." Draco looked ashamed even though they both knew it was the truth and Harry kissed him on the cheek.

"Then tell Blaise that I'm here, whenever he wants to talk to someone who isn't an emotionally stunted Slytherin."

He was rewarded with another elbow to the side, but Draco turned over and kissed him softly on the lips anyway. In a few moments they were asleep in each others arms.


yoooo futher muckers
everyday updates day 2 i think?
idk. im typing ahead so...not quite sure

i hope you lot like this chapter
i mean i do, but also idk
lemme know how ya feel, yeah?

love y'all

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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