- vingt et un -

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It was a week before Halloween and Scorpius Malfoy-Potter was trying to calm himself down without flying. After taking Teddy's advice and trying it out, the feeling of being in the air had become almost intoxicating, but it was getting colder outside and he hated flying with gloves on.

The boy sat in his room, trying to read through a few books he grabbed from the library on potion reconstruction, mostly because it sounded interesting, but he couldn't focus. Manish had been throwing paper balls at the trash can for almost an hour now and the sound still hadn't faded into background noise yet. Their other dorm mates were down in the common room but they didn't want to be around them. After a while, Manish started talking almost as aimlessly as he was throwing the paper. Scorpius closed the book with a thump and finally allowed his flying addiction to drag him from the bed.

"C'mon, Manny, I don't like flying alone," he said as he tugged his Weasley jumper from last christmas over his long sleeved button up.

"I don't like flying at all," countered Manish, but he pushed himself off of his bed anyway before sliding on his shoes and following Scorpius. "Why don't you just ask your brother, anyway?"

The blond shrugged, but he was pretty sure Teddy was already there. They had never met their Pa's parents; he had barely even met them, but Halloween was always difficult. The thoughts were more present which made his Pa think about how things could have been different, then that made Teddy think the same thing and then his Pa felt guilty... Scorpius shook his head to clear those types of thoughts but kept walking, smiling and laughing when Manish made a joke. They made it to the quidditch pitch quicker than he thought was possible. He looked up just in time to see his brother racing towards them with a flushed face and a huge grin.

"Hey Scorp, hey Manny. Here to fly?"

"Never. I was just dragged here against my will," Manish said dramatically, holding his hands in the air in surrender and Teddy laughed.

"Trying to clear my head," Scorpius said by way of explanation, ignoring his friend. "But nothing has worked so far, so as much as I love it, I doubt this will."

"But you're hoping it does," Teddy said with furrowed eyebrows and he nodded. The blue-haired boy gripped his shoulder for a second in understanding, then shoved him to go get a broom, like the goofball of a brother he was.

Scorpius had managed to get on his broom and fly around the quidditch pitch a grand total of 2 times before he was officially tired of forcing himself to relax. It only served to make him more stressed. His brain was going a mile a minute and he was more than a little dizzy. Teddy had practically been flying circles around him today and Manish was in the bleachers reading a book. Something about Scorpius just felt off, but he couldn't piece together the words to express it.

"This isn't working," he said loudly, pouting and pulling his broom to a stop.

"You aren't letting it work," Teddy argued, but he looked like he was just enjoying himself, hanging upside down from his own broom. Thoughts of how things could be long forgotten. "Stop thinking so much, just let yourself get caught up in the breeze."

"That's dangerous!" Scorpius said surprised, causing Teddy to laugh again.

"That's the point. The fear relaxes you. Makes other things seem less stressful sometimes." When it seemed like the younger blond still wasn't getting it, Teddy flipped right side up and sped off into the air, as high as possible, before gripping the broom and dropping altitude as if he were free falling. Scorpius noticed with a scream that he was free falling. He gripped his broom tighter before taking off towards his brother. Before he could get close enough though, Teddy did a couple of barrel rolls and in a blur he was properly on his broom, zig-zagging his way to Scorpius.

The younger blond landed and threw his broom down, shaken up.

"W-w-wh-what w-were you eve-even-"

"Woah! Woah, Scorp, calm down!" Teddy said once he had landed next to him and dropped his broom to grip the boy by the shoulders.

"C-c-calm down?!" said Scorpius raising his voice, "H-how was th-th-that sp-s'posed to hel-help m-me re-rela-ax?! Y-you could ha-have..." He pushed the older boys hands off of him and placed a hand to his own chest. It was like his heart itself hurt. The pressure on his chest was painful as he tried to force air into his lungs. It almost burned in its intensity. He pounded his chest, as if that would force the air to flow properly. His dizziness which had subsided before was back full force and his head was throbbing in tune to the pressure that was back and forth on his chest. He needed to sit down, then he realized he was already on the ground.

"Scorp? Scorpius!?" Teddy said above him, but he couldn't hear it anymore, he could only see his lips moving. His eyes moved up until he was looking into Teddy's terrified gaze and briefly, he thought that this is what his brother deserved for scaring him like that, but everything went black before he could think about how insane that sounded.


"Did Pomfrey give you an overview?" Draco asked once he had gathered his thoughts and put down the second piece of parchment claiming a Malfoy-Potter pregnancy. Harry shook his head.

"Too much stress. She said to give it a week at least."

"I don't see you being any less stressed in a week."

"Well we'll have been on prenatal potions for a bit then, so we should be feeling more energized and stuff. It'll redirect the stress into something more productive. Or, at least, that's what it did last time." Harry ran a hand through his own hair before tugging on the ends a bit. Who said this was going to be the same as last time? He at least hoped it was. Both of them did. Harry didn't necessarily like surprises and Draco just needed the piece of mind that Harry knew what to expect.

Harry placed a hand on his stomach and released a sigh. Knowing what to expect was only half the battle.

He opened his mouth to say as much when Teddy burst through the door with a terrified look on his face, carrying a nonsense mumbling Scorpius on his back. Manish was slowly walking in behind him, unsure of what to do with his hands.


hey futher muckers
what goes on?

sorry for the late update. its like 5am but i was inspired, i guess

pic credit: me (again)

so.. this fic is more than halfway done
how does that make y'all feel?

the pregnancy isn't really going to be the focus here, so don't expect  a super long pregnancy cause
A) i already have the chapters planned out
B) the way i want this story to go is (imo) more important than a super detailed pregnancy
& C) this isn't a pregnancy fic

anywhores, hope you enjoyed this chap
lemme know whatchall think, eh?

love y'all

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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