- vingt trois -

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The spring came with all the energy of a niffler in a bank vault and Draco was sure his classes were tired of having class inside. He was tired of being inside. The girls were one and spent most of their time with his parents or the Weasleys while he and Harry were at work and sitting inside was giving him too much time to think about wanting to be around his family. During breakfast one morning, he and Harry threw together a mixed lesson on defensive potions that the students could piece together in the courtyard and when it was time, led them there. Courtyard lessons worked out great until both Draco and Harry were about ready to pop. Just being around that much residual magic was sending them into episodes of false labor. Then one afternoon, it wasn't false.


"Draco, you have to breathe. We haven't even gotten to the worse part, you need to relax through your contractions or we're going to have to give you a calming draught," Healer Jones said as she did basic diagnostic and ultrasound spells. She wasn't his usual Medi-witch. She had only been assigned to him only because there had been another emergency elsewhere.

"I will relax when you tell me where the bloody fucking hell my husband is!" Draco snapped through clenched teeth, his grip tight around the handle on the side of the bed.

"I assure you, your husband is fine, but you need to relax!"

"If he's fine, why isn't he here?" Draco said annoyed.

"The expulsion of magic from your water breaking sent your husband into labor as well. He's in the next room over."

"Oh fuck," he says quietly with his head in his hands.

"Now, Draco, can you please relax. We can't get your little boy out unless you relax. I need you to breathe."

"Oh fuck," Draco said again, this time with feeling. "I can't do this without him. Seven hells, how could this- does this happen a lot?"

"With double pregnancies? Yes. It shows how close you are, how intertwined your magic is to each other that something like this pulls a reaction from both of you. It's beautiful to watch."

"I'm glad we're such the pretty sodding picture!"

Healer Jones didn't look particularly bothered by his tone and continued checking his and the baby's vitals. She waved a hand at him when he looked too tense.

"And we're breathing," she said leading him into a breathing exercise. "It's almost go-time as the muggles say. Do you know what kind of birth you're leaning towards?"

"When...uh- When Harry had our girls, he did a- I believe it was called a captive birth?" Once she nodded he continued. "And I've done research into the different kinds of male pregnancy births, but I don't see any real pros or cons to any of them. You're the medi-witch, what do you think? I just want my son to be healthy."

Healer Jones opened her mouth to give her opinion when there was a tentative knock and the door blew open softly.

"We came as soon as we could," said a somewhat nervous Narcissa Malfoy. "Are you okay, dear?"

"Yes, mother."

"And where is your husband?" Lucius said with a raised eyebrow.

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