- six -

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They could have just apparated directly into the small cabin sized house. It would have been easy since the place had no real warding other than a few Beware Dog and No Trespassing signs, but that would have denied Draco the pleasure of blasting the door in.

The resulting debris put a proud gleam in Harry's eyes as they both stepped further into the house. The ravenette pulled his wand out as Mr. Eugene Stevenson came stomping from another room angrily.

"Twice in one night! What, kidnappin' my kids ain't 'nuff for ya? I should call the bloody p'lice," he slurred.

"You hear that, Potter? He's gonna call the police," Draco teased menacingly.

"Great, it'd sure save us time."

Harry held his arm out, palm facing outward, when he felt his magic being pulled taught he balled his hand into a fist and yanked it sideways, sending the drunk man flying into the wall in the other side of the room. The sound of the shelves breaking brought another set of footsteps pitter-pattering down the stairs.

The woman of the household, Sierra Stevenson, looked over at her now unconscious husband and then at the two men in her greeting hall, using a spell to repair her door, before she finally realized who they were.

"M-Mr. Potter, you came back. The twins- Are they-" She had made it to the bottom of the stairs now and the men noticed how small she was in weight and in stature. Draco stood to the side staring at her with a questioning expression that Harry couldn't quite place before the blond put a pale hand on the woman's dark hair. He brushed the hair back with his hands in a sort of soothing motion as he spoke. Harry was staring at husband fondly prior to walking away to locate a phone and call the police. He cast a wandless body-bind on the man lying on the floor on his way out.

"Natalie and Nicholas are fine, we promise. They're at our house, hopefully preparing for bed." Draco was still smoothing her hair down until she looked infinitesimally calmer. Her dressing clothes were covered in blood and there was a healing salve patch over a slowly healing scar on the left side of her forehead, another on her lip, a larger one on her neck and he spoke up again. "We're working on contacting the police to report child abuse in the household, but I need to know if you want us to report this too," he said rubbing his thumb across the patch on her forehead.

She nodded slowly before tears were making its way down her face.

"It's a-all my fault!" she sobbed. "I'm supposed to protect them! That's what mothers do!"

Draco was shocked to say the least, when she wrapped two arms around him and started crying into his shirt. When he wrapped his arms back around her, he was shocked again by how small she was. He looked up and found Harry looking just as distressed but determined as he felt. Their eyes met and the decision was made.

"Mrs. Stevenson," said Harry stepping back into the room.

"It's S-Sierra," she supplied still crying.

"Okay," Harry said scratching the back of his neck. "Sierra-"

"You don't have to agree," Draco hedged through interruption.

"But we would like to extend an invitation for you to stay with us at the manor for as long as you'd like."

She pulled away from Draco's chest to look him in the eyes, then she turned to Harry and stared at him as well before going into another fit of tears.

"You- I couldn't..." she said conflicted.

"Almost 10 years ago, my wife died," Draco said out of nowhere, but his eyes never left Sierra's. "I had been angry and irritable and for whatever reason, I had decided that throwing on a glamour and walking around muggle London with a three year old who was still experiencing bursts of accidental magic would help calm me down. When it didn't, I stopped in front of some store to pick up some candy or something but I couldn't for the life of me figure out muggle currency. I hadn't even thought about exchanging my galleons or knuts over before leaving I had just gone on a whim, I guess. But there was a woman there who saw me struggling and paid for my groceries. That was you, wasn't it?"

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