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Anita Lily & Lyra Narcissa were two of the most annoying siblings Scorpius could have asked for. He was absolutely sure he wasn't that much of a busybody when he was 5 years old. At least James Lucius and Albus Sirius knew how to sit and stay for Merlin's sake and they were sodding toddlers. Even Cepheus had taken to just coloring to stay out of the way. He took a deep breath before flopping back onto his bed and relaxing in a puff of air. He had promised his fathers he would babysit all of the kids, if they agreed to let him stay with Teddy next week. It's not that he was tired of the manor, per se, but his brother had become an at home creature trainer since getting his own place and it may have been one of the coolest things he'd ever seen.

He stood up with his shoulders back and took a deep breath. He wasn't the only one stuck at home either, Hugo was babysitting little Naomi, while both of their parents went out for dinner. Scorpius, however, was a step ahead. He was a Malfoy-Potter. He could do this.

Well he thought he could do it, until Lyra burped and sent herself flying through the room with a laugh. It didn't take long for Anita to follow her lead after that. He pinched the bridge of his nose with a groan.

He could try to do this.

"Lyra and Anita," he said as sternly as he could manage, "get down from there!"

"Why?" asked Anita, crossing her arms as both her and her sister made themselves comfortable, sitting on the ceiling.

"Because it's dangerous!"

"Why?" she asked again.

"Because you could fall and seriously hurt yourself," Scorpius was getting more hysterical by the second.

"But why?" she asked giggling at his misfortune.

"Because of-" he paused for a moment, "well gravity, I would think."

"Why?" she prompted again, forcing him to think about his father telling him about how gravity is supposed to keep them from flipping off the edge of the earth, followed by an entire argument where his dad tried to explain that the earth was, in fact, not flat but round and they wouldn't just fall off the edge. He rubbed at his temple.

"I don't bloody know why! Just get down because I'm in charge."

"I'm in charge," she mimicked, making faces at him. "I'm Scorp'us and I'm in charge!"

"Fine!" he snapped. "Be Scorpius. Be in charge." He walked out of the room and heard the little girls arguing the way kids do when they're sure they're going to get in trouble.

"Scorp'us," whined Lyra loudly. "Scor'pus, come back, please! Anita say sorry so he'll still play with us, you big meany!"

"No," the slightly older girl argued."He wants me to get down and I don't want to."

"You're just saying that 'cause you can't get down. You don't know how!"

"I do too know how!"

"Prove it!"

"No," says Anita sounding a lot less sure of herself. "I- I just don't want to. I like it up here."

"You can't get down, ha ha," Lyra teased. Her loud teasing caused the younger kids to stop what they were doing and look on to where their sisters were standing on opposite surfaces yelling at each other.

"'Nita stuck!" laughed James, stumbling over to where Lyra was and standing

"Be nice, Jamesie!" yelled Albus, throwing a stuffed kneazle at his brother, before James caught it and threw it back with his tongue stuck out. He was the quieter one of the two, but it was much easier to upset him and he was trying to talk more. Trying to be heard. The younger twin boy teetered over to where he brother was standing and pushed him over. "You meanie!"

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