- vingt-deux -

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"What the bloody fucking hell happened to him," Draco demanded, holding a hand to his stomach and placing the other on Scorpius' forehead to check for a fever, but the boy felt fine.

Teddy moved to lay his brother down and explain, he needed the few extra moments to get his thoughts together, even he wasn't completely sure what happened, but Manish had started talking for him. Serious in a way he had never seen him and he thought about how it sent a chill down his spine. How the goofing around was probably just to keep all his fears and anxieties at bay. Teddy knew the feeling.

"He'll be fine. Scorp's kinda been in a rough place...he's been taking his potions, cause I've seen him, but it just seems like everything has been getting to him recently." Manish shrugged as he picked at the lint on his jeans. He wore robes that swallowed his shoulders but looked almost constricting across his chest. "He hasn't been sleeping a lot either, so I guess the stress of flying with Teddy triggered a panic attack. I don't know what's up with him exactly, but he's strong. He'll be okay when he gets some rest, I'm sure of it."

Draco wanted to cry. Harry could notice the furrow in his brow and the flutter of his eyelashes and the the tension in his shoulders. He turned to thank Manish for his help, but Draco was way ahead of him, scooping the boy into a very un-Malfoy-like hug.

"I'm glad he has a friend like you," the blond said weeping, and Harry balked at him. Pregnancy hormones were not doing him any favors, it seemed. Draco would have never done this otherwise. He had changed, but not that much.

"O~kay," Harry said with wide eyes, "Manish, you and Teddy can go. I'm going to make sure everything is fine with all of...whatever is happening here." Harry motioned towards Scorpius laying on the couch then in his husband's general vicinity. He stopped them once, just as they got to the door. "Thank you for looking out for him, both of you. I know how hard it is to feel like the world depends on you, but it always help to have people on your side. I appreciate you guys being there for Scorp."

"Scorp has you lot to look out for him, but he's my best friend, even if I'm not his, ya know? He doesn't think I'm weird and he invited me out to hang with him and everyone else and..." He shook his head as if to clear his thoughts, before scratching at a patch of pale skin on his neck. "He let me in and I'm not going to just leave him out to dry. He deserves better than that."

Harry nodded in awe at the tall kid in front of him who had been through so much. He remembers those dark eyes hidden behind bangs Scorp's first year when they were always a few seconds away from tears. Back when Manny was Manisha and slept in the girls dormitory. Harry smiled at how far he had come, then turned to Draco who had finally stopped crying but now seemed to be in a state of shock.

"Potter, what have you done to me," the blond whined and Harry laughed.

"Well, you see, when a daddy dragon and a daddy lion life each other very much-"

"Crossbreeding is untoward."

"When two daddy dragons love each other-"

"I hate you," Draco said, pulling himself closer to Harry, kissing his cheek and laying his forehead head on the slightly shorter man's shoulder. "I hate you so very much."

Harry smiled down at him.

"Yeah, you've told me that a few times."


When Scorpius comes to, he is sure his dad is the one gripping his hand as if he only needed someone to drag him along to wake him up. When he actually opens his eyes though, he is in the infirmary and Manish is crushing his hand, even though he's pulled up a chair and fallen asleep on the edge of the bed. He should have realized before, because Manny's hands aren't as rough as either of his dads' or even Teddy's for that matter. He's thinking about reaching out his other hand to run it through Manny's hair when someone clears his throat. He blinks blearily and turns to be met with a blob of red hair and freckles and red cheeks.

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