5 Common Myths Debunked!

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1. Myth: Cold Weather gives you cold

Fact: A cold place does not give you cold but rather in a hot crowded place because humans are disease carriers. But it is possible that we might catch a cold from a low temperature because viruses that cause colds may spread easily at lower temperatures. And lack of sunlight exposure makes our immune system weaker because it needs light to activate our inactivated vitamin D in our body. This vitamin has a vital role in the immune system and keeping bones strong and healthy.

2. Myth: All bacteria are bad

Fact: Not all bacteria are bad, some are good, like the bacteria used in fermenting milk and turn it into a delicious yogurt.

3. Myth: If the earth is closer to the sun, it's summer, but if they are far away from each other, it's winter.

Fact: It depends on your location. The orbit of the Earth is not perfect. For instance, if Earth is closer to the sun and you are living in North America, it is winter; but if Earth is farther away from the sun, it's summer.

Plus, the earth's axis is tilted. So when it is summer, the sun shines directly on the Northern Hemisphere. But in the winter season of the northern hemisphere, the southern hemisphere experiences summer. But the southern hemisphere will experience a hotter temperature this time because it is closer to the sun.

4. Myth: Milk makes your bone stronger.

Fact: Calcium in milk does not make your bone stronger, exercise and eating broccoli or veggies do. Calcium is a mineral found in soil where it is absorbed by the roots of plants. Animals like cows get their calcium by eating these plants. So the actual source of calcium comes from the earth itself, not the cows.

5. Myth: Bats are blind.

Fact: Bats are not blind. In fact, they can see almost as well as humans. They just prefer to use their ears to hunt their prey through echolocation. And if bats are blind is true, Batman should be blind too.

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