He tells you he has superpowers - Barry Allen

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Barry had been very distant the past couple of days, he kept dissapearing and working late nights, then he would make plans but cancel them.

He never made time for you, so you decided it would be best of you saw other people.

"Barry, we need to talk." You said, "Youve been gone a lot lately and you show up late to our dates, or you barely even come."You said to him. He shifted on the couch," Y/n I-"he said.

You cut him off,"No I should finish, Barry I know that I'm the first guy you've been with and I- I just want to know if you still have feelings for me?" You asked.

"Y/n, of course I still have feelings for you." He said. he shifted on the couch again but decided to just stand up,"I've been keeping a secret from you."He said.

You shrugged your shoulders, "What is it?"you asked.

"The reason I've been missing out on our dates is because,"He stopped,"I'm The Flash."He said.

You rolled your eyes,"Barry is you didn't want to be with me you could've just said so instead of making up lies."You told him and walked to the door.

A streak of lightning passed you and Barry was instantly in front of you.

"I've been wanting to tell you but I didn't know how." He said.

Reality sank in and you realised what an ass you've been to him. "Barry I'm so so-"He cut you off by putting a finger on your lips.

"Its okay, y/n. I don't blame you." Barry said.

You pulled him close and gave him a kiss. Barry zoomed you to the bedroom and shut the door.


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