Cold - Harrison

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Weather Wizard was after you, he found out about your powers and realized that you could be the perfect partner for his masterplan of taking over the world through weather.

The winds in Central City were strong, you and Harry held hands so that the one wouldn't fly away," It's Weather Wizard, run!" You warned him as you saw him coming from a distance.

You and Harry tried to get to the nearest shelter, but Weather Wizard used his powers and blasted you guys with wind to separate you and Harry.

He flew down," Y/n, I'm giving you one last chance. Come with me or I will kill you." He ordered," No." You said to him clenching your jaw.

"So be it." He said and shot a bolt of lightning at you. Harrison screamed and jumped in front of it and it struck him, instead of you.

"Harrison! Harrison, wake up. No, no, no." You cried as you felt no pulse and he wasn't waking up. He was cold, very cold, he had no life in him.

"You brought this upon yourself." Weather Wizard spoke up.

You looked at him a focused all your power on him," I said NO." I yelled. My mental shield hit him and the force blew him up in front of you, but you didn't care about him, you cared about Harry.

You stayed there all night trying to warm his cold body.

Your eyelids felt heavy and you closed them, you felt yourself being carried bur decided to go back into a deep sleep.

When you awoke you were in S.T.A.R Labs and you saw a body with a white drape over him.You walked towards him and started crying again.

A breech opened that caught your attention, out stepped a white haired Harry, he was from The Council of Harrison's. His eyes were red, he was most likely crying.

He looked at you," I lost my Y/n, and you lost your Harrison. If I give up my life, for his," He motioned to Harry,"then I will have served some purpose, and I can be with Y/n in the after life."

"O-okay, but ho-how are you going to do it?" You asked and tried to breathe through your blocked nose.

He walked over to Harry and took the drape off revealing his pale body. Harrison leaned over Harry and his body lit up and merged with Harry.

The heart meter started beeping and you saw Harry breathing. Colour returned to his cheek and his eyes fluttered opened.

"Y/n." He spoke with a rough voice," Are you okay."

I laughed at him," I'm the one who should be asking you." You said running your hand through his head," How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling a lot better now." Harry said and held your hand. You held his hand with both of yours," Why, Harry. You have so much to live for."
You asked him.

"You're worth dying for."



my last Harrison imagine 😭

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