FLASHCARDS - Episode 2 - Cisco - Finale

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-FLASHCARDS is bought to you by HydroComics💦-

Caitlin, Y/n and Cisco stood on the stage facing the audience with smiles plastered on their faces, Cisco kissed Y/n's cheeck and squuezed his hand.

"Hi I'm your host Caitlin and welcome back..."


Caitlin laughed with joy as the audience finished her sentence,"Let's get right into our next game, Heads Up."

Cisco and Y/n looked at each other nervously and not knowing what to expect.

"So all you have to do is hold these flashcards up to your head and guess the name of the acton that Cisco's doing, got it?" She explained.

Y/n only replied with a nod and the timer went off

He held the first card to his head:

Cisco started doing swimming and he immediately  thought fish but you knew it couldn't be that easy. 


Y/n quickly switched the card. He watched as Cisco read the card then have a small nod. Cisco started doing a very old dance move that only y/n -- and well the rests I'd the world have seen.

"The Sprinkler."

Y/n threw the card one side and watched an embarrassed Cisco scratch the back of his next. He read the new card, he put his hands to his waist and mimicked flying around the room.


Y/n switched the cards again and watched as Cisco clapped his hands indicating that he obviously knew the answer to this one. He pretended to put glasses on and pretended to shoot lasers from his arms.


It was now the last card and Y/n looked a bit exhausted. When he switched the cards Cisco got down on one knee and took out a black box with a ring inside it.

Y/n dropped the cards, then dropped to his knees so that him and Cisco were at the same eye level. They both were on the verge of tears - it was sweet.

"Y/n for the longest time u have made me the happiest than I have ever been. Everyday with you is a blessing and you becoming my husband would be a double blessing." Cisco said.

"I-I don't know Cisco, are you sure we're ready to get married?" Y/n asked.

"Yes." Cisco said.

Y/n hit him on the arm.

"That's supposed to be my answer." Y/n said.

They stood up, missed and pulled each it her into a deep embrace. Cisco put the ring on Y/n's finger then hugged him again.

Cisco mouthed,"Thank you." to Y/n and hugged him just a little bit more tighter.

Caitlin walked to the camera with tears in her eyes and a big smile on her face,"You saw it here everybody, on Flashcards."

"I'm your host Caitlin Snow and thank you for tuning into..."

"Flashcards!" The audience yelled.

Caitlin ran off to go hug Cisco and Y/n.


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