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The closer I got to Graham the more impatient he acted. I pulled my backpack off and threw it at his head. He threw it over his shoulder and put his arm over mine.

"I had Jason drive that piece of shit car of yours home."

I nodded. Graham is my brother but we don't share parents. So, while he loves me as his own he will never understand why that car is more than a piece of shit. Every Thursday Graham and I went out to eat, the two of us alone, and then trained.

As we sat at a little diner I could feel Graham's anxiety.

"What did Brooks want?"

"He actually caught me because I tripped and then we introduced ourselves."

He only nodded and I knew he would worry about me but my poor brother was looking into it too much. For the rest of our time eating we talked like we always did until it was time to train. We had a training room booked from 5-6 every Thursday.

This was our day together and I needed the extra training. I was next in line to be Beta but I chose to pass the title along to a more qualified male. This made me appear weak but I knew it was what was best for my pack.

On the way to thee training grounds Graham seemed off

"What is bothering you so much?" He shook his head but I knew better, he hates the idea of me leaving our pack one day.

"Graham you are my family. No matter what happens I will never stop loving you and I will always be in touch." He nodded his head and I would've asked him to say something but I didn't want to push it too far.

We reached the training grounds and went to our room to begin. We started out with stretches and then sparring. After that we did some basic exercises and lifted weights. Our training wasn't crazy hard but it was enough to keep us both ahead. After we finished the normal stuff we were both full of energy.

"Wanna fights for shits and giggles?" I nodded and smirked as we got into position.

Graham threw the first punch and I dodged it landing my own punch. I tried kicking but Graham caught my foot. So as he spun my leg I used my other leg to push my body up and knocked him in the head. Graham fell to the ground so I quickly backed up to give me space. 

I could see Grahams wolf surfacing so I knew this would turn from a play fight to a real one quick. He jumped to his feet and growled. Graham lunged at me so I rolled away. Being Alpha he is much stronger and larger than me so my smartest option was to dodge his efforts until he was wore out. I kept slipping away at the last second until he caught me and pushed me. I hit my face on the floor and Graham flipped me over and landed a punch to my face. I couldn't help the sound that came from my mouth.

Grahams whole body froze and I watched as his eyes went from pitch black to his soft brown color.

"Sawyer, shit, I'm sorry." I pushed him off of me so I could stand up. "Let's get you to the pack doctor." I nodded and felt blood drip from my forehead to my cheek.

The doctor put two stitches by my eyebrow and told me I could get them out in two days and that my bruise would be gone in a week. Graham apologized repeatedly but I knew he couldn't help it. Grahams wolf, Cole, is very hot headed but I know both sides of him love me. His wolf has been on edge for so long he sometimes losing control.

I went to my room and took a shower before heading to bed. I laid there staring at the ceiling for a second thinking about how I will be 18 in a month and the hunt for my mate will begin. I won't actually go out of my way to find him because until Jason is ready to take the position there will be things I have to do.

But what if he doesn't like my stick straight hair or the grey color of my eyes. What if I'm not enough? I finally closed my eyes to quiet the noise.

I woke up feeling how sore my face is. The bruise already looked a few days old due to the quick healing. It looked worse but all my bruises get worse before they get better.

I brushed my hair away from my face into a ponytail. Usually my hair would cover my face but, it irritated my stitches. No one talks to me so I doubt anyone will notice.

I hopped into my car and drove off to my least favorite place. Most people know that I am a Beta or they know that I'm close to Graham so they leave me alone. I walked into the school and the whispers about my face started. I pretended to not hear as I walked through the halls.

Everyone left me alone during my freshman year because I was always with Graham but after he graduated people thought they could pick on me. About a month into my sophomore year a girl got in my face and I broke her nose with one punch. She was one of us so she healed pretty quick but it got the message around that I was not to be bothered.

As the bell rang and I was getting my books from my locker a shadow came over me. I looked up to see the Alpha Kaden Brooks.

"Can I help you?" he was breathing abnormally fast.

"Did he hit you?" What the hell was he talking about?


"Alpha Taylor." I laughed loud.

"This happened during training." He looked at me puzzled "I had Beta training last night but the real question is why do you care?"

I crossed my arms over my chest and Kaden leaned against the lockers.

"Alpha Taylor and I don't get along." I scoffed at the understatement "And to be honest I was hoping we could be friends. You seem chill and I was actually on my way to ask if you wanted to hang out tonight."

"Hang out?" Kaden nodded "And do what exactly?"

"Bowling?" I have to admit the offer was very appealing because Graham is busy but I have to go find a dress for the ball tomorrow.

"Can I take a raincheck on your offer? I'm busy all weekend." Kaden nodded and smirked while pushing himself off of the lockers.

"Better than a no. See you around." I couldn't help but smile as he jogged away to class. Hey, you never know maybe I made a new friend.


Heyyyy. So this chapter is almost three times as long as the first one but I'm trying to end them more naturally so the story flows a lot better. I hope you like where this is going so far this is my first werewolf book so I'm a little nervous.

I added this song because I really like it and while listening to it I got some inspiration.

This chapter is dedicated to @MiNsHi who wrote Zoe And The Beast. I absolutely loved this book and I absolutely love the cover which was made by @coconut. Go check it out!

I'm going to be updating every 5-7 days. I've been itching to upload since I uploaded the first chapter because I'm so freaking excited.

Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading XOXO

KadenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora