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It's been a few weeks since the pack meeting and everyone has been really nice so far. There have been a few whispers but that was to be expected. Alexander and I have grown close due to the fact that he really respects my opinion as a Betas daughter and he knows how important I am to Kaden and how important I was to Jeffrey. 

Right now Kaden and I are in the middle of a meeting with all the Alphas working out a good day to do the ceremony that will make Kaden and I the official Alpha and Luna. Until that ceremony is performed I won't be able to mind link with any of the pack members and that includes Kaden. The only people I can mind link with currently are Grahams family and I will always have that bond with them because of the emotional connection I hold to them.

Everyone was talking but I felt very uneasy. Something was off but I couldn't quite figure out what it was.

Sawyer, are you okay? I looked up at Graham who mind linked me and shook my head no

Something's wrong but I don't know what. Kaden squeezed my hand and I gave him a small smile. I looked over at Alexander and I noticed an uneasy expression on his face as well.

The talking stopped for a second so I spoke up. "Alpha what is wrong? I feel off and I know you do too."

Alexander looked up at me with a confused expression "I didn't think you would notice but there is a trespasser on the land. A rouge asking for you."

Kaden growled and I watched Graham tense up.

"No fucking way. She's not going out there." I squeezed his hand.

"I'll go," Kaden growled again. "I don't really have a choice."

Alexander agreed and all the Alphas agreed to come with and protect me.

I walked in the front holding my head up high but on the inside, I was kind of freaking out. When we got closer I saw the rogue being held back by two warriors and that's when I recognized who it was. It had been two years since I had seen her but I knew it was Hanson's sister. We stopped only a few feet in front of her and the smirk on her face was sickening.

"Haley, I should've known it would be you." Kaden's face scrunched up in confusion but I didn't let it faze me.

"Well you did kill my brother, it's been two years and Harley isn't happy." I scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest. I stood in a stance ready for anything, if Haley was known for anything it was being unpredictable.

"Harley isn't happy? Well, I don't really give two shits about whether or not Harvey is happy. He helped Hanson kill my parents."

Kaden no longer looked confused so I'm assuming he put the pieces together. Graham looked like he was ready to rip her throat out considering he was there through everything.

"What do you want Haley?" Graham was the one who spoke up this time.

"Miss me, lover boy?" Haley winked but Graham just growled. I could see his wolf pushing through which was never a good thing. "Long story short, I'm here to remind you that war is coming Harvey wants you and everyone you care about dead. Including your hunk of a mate, which would really be a shame. Maybe I'll keep him."

I used my speed to grab Haley from the warriors and press her against a tree by her throat. My wolf was coming out and I was done playing games.

"You tell Harley that I said he will die if he tries to hurt my family. And as far as you go if you ever make advances against my mate like that again I will rip your throat open just like your brother."

Haley shook underneath my hold and I knew that I could kill her if we ever fought. Even without all of my beta strength, I am still stronger than she is and she has very little training. I let go of her throat and pushed her away.

"Go mutt and if you show up here again you will die." I watched as Haley turned into her wolf and ran away.

"Why would you let her go, Sawyer?" Kaden was furious and I could feel the anger radiating off of him.

"Because she will tell Harley what I said and now he knows that we're not scared. They will come here and it will be soon. Let all of the other Alphas know to be on high alert and we need to warn our people to be prepared for lockdown at any moment."

Kaden sent Jason and Jordan to take care of those things while Kaden, Graham, Alexander, and I went to the Alpha office.

Alexander was the first one to speak and what he said shocked us all "What should we do Sawyer?" 

My eyes widened and I panicked some "You know these people better than any of us and you have the training so tell us our next step."

I took a deep breath and realized he was right.

"They're mad because two years ago I killed their brother Hanson for killing my parents. Harley was there and he knows it was me who took Hanson's life and the only reason he is still alive is that he ran. Haley will go back and tell him what I said but to him, that's just bait. He will show up in the next 48 hours and not alone. This will turn into a full-out battle. Harley will ask to speak to me and I will come." Before I could finish Kaden stood to his feet.

"No fuck that. You're not fighting Sawyer." He was huffing and I could see that the situation was taking a toll on him.  I pressed a kiss to his lips and looked into his eyes.

"This is my fight. It's been coming for me for the last two years and I knew it was coming. People could die and I'm going to fight for this pack, our pack." Kaden nodded and pulled me to him.

"If Harley doesn't want to fight me Haley will. I can take Haley easily but without all of my power I'm not sure that I can beat Harley."

"Then it's time you get your power back," Alexander spoke and I felt my wolf perk up. "Call an emergency pack meeting it's time you two became the official Alpha and Luna of the Brooks Pack."

Kaden nodded and made a phone call. 

"The ceremony will be in two hours. Sawyer go to my room, my mother is waiting for you there."

This is all too much for one day.


So Haley is a bitch and war is coming but so is the Alpha and Luna ceremony.

This chapter is dedicated to @WYLD_ROSE who wrote The Hybrid. This story has vampires and werewolves in it and I loved it and if you read through the comments so many other people have loved it to so go check it out.

Okay, so  I am actually losing my mind. In the last chapter, I was a few reads short of my goal and was still happy about it. My goal this time was 23 reads and I got 200+. I literally started crying in bed because I was so happy which may sound crazy because I'm not crazy popular but hey you gotta start somewhere. It's just insane to see my book on a reading list with a book with thousands or millions of reads and it's just nuts. If anyone read this you're a real one lmao.

Love you guys long time <3

Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading XOXO

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