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It's been three days since the battle and Sawyer still hasn't woke up from her coma. I haven't left the seat next to her bed.

I haven't slept or ate but I can't seem to make myself leave her. What if she wakes up and I'm not here for her?

Graham walked in and looked right at me "Dude you look like shit."

I couldn't help but laugh because I knew he was right. I watched as Graham walked around to the other side of the bed and kissed Sawyers forehead.

"Hey, little sis." He then turned to me and threw a bag my way "There's a shower through that door. You are going to shower and eat the protein bars in that bag because when she wakes up she will kick both of our asses if you look that way."

I knew Graham was right but I still couldn't get myself to move.

"Kaden I know how you feel. My baby sister is sitting in front of me and I don't know if I'll get to give her away at her wedding. I've spent the last 18 years of my life loving her and protecting her. I'm terrified just like you, but I'll be damned if I let you waste away."

Him saying those words made me realize that I'm not the only one affected by this. There are so many people that Sawyer has affected in a positive way. I have to take care of myself so that I can help her get better.

I stood up and took a shower. I took a quick one but I couldn't help but stop when I noticed the blood washing off my hands. It was hers. That was enough to make me shut off the water so I could go back to her.

I quickly got dressed but before I could open the door I heard a voice but it wasn't Graham, it was Jordan. It may have been rude but I stopped to listen.

"I know we didn't get to know each other very well but I'm worried about you and Kaden. He hasn't always been the best with emotions but there is something about you that just broke him down. He talked about you for hours on end and I never had the heart to tell him to shut up. He is crazy in love with you Sawyer. He was cold before he met you. He didn't really care about anyone that wasn't me or his family and honestly I was okay with that because I didn't know that there was so much more to him until he met you. You made him show the best parts of himself. I need my best friend back Sawyer but I'll never get him back if you don't wake up. You mean more to him than you can ever realize so please just wake up."

I didn't move until I heard him get up and leave because I didn't want him to know that I had heard the things he said. I sat back in my chair and held Sawyer's hand.

"Hey, gorgeous. I need you back. I'm going crazy over here. I feel like I can't breathe without you. I love you, Sawyer Paige Payne. Wake up so I can make you a Brooks."

I ate the protein bar that Graham gave me before letting the lack of sleep catch up to me.

Sawyer's POV

I looked around me but everything was black. I didn't know where to go or what to do. I looked behind me to see a light. I took a step towards it and then realized I had no idea what that would do. It wasn't long after that that I saw a boy walking towards me. When I realized who it was I was taken by surprise


"Hey, Sawyer." He smiled at me as he used to and all of our good memories came flooding back.

"Where are we?"

"We are at the place where you decide what you want?" I couldn't help but laugh bitterly.

"If I'm choosing between you and living that's a losing battle on your end." Hanson laughed too but not bitterly. He laughed like he knew that was what I was going to say.

"Actually this is the place you choose if you want to see your parents or go back to you're mate and be a Luna." Seeing him and the idea of seeing my parents too was a lot to take in.

"Then why are you here and not my parents?" Hanson grew nervous and it was written all across his face.

"The moon goddess asked me if I would like to see you and I said yes. She gave me the chance to show you the truth." I didn't say anything I didn't know what to say truthfully.

"I know that you're confused but there are a few things I need to tell you. The first thing is your parents said hello and that they are very proud of the women you are becoming. Your mother is almost as in love with Kaden as you are. The second thing is I know that you are going to go back to that boy because if you didn't you would be absolutely crazy, I work very closely with the moon goddess and I've seen your future. And lastly, I want you to wake up, go to the oak tree next to your old house, and you'll find a note buried under our initials. The note will tell you everything you need to know."

"How do I know if you're telling the truth?"

"I shouldn't tell you this but you and Kaden will have a son." My eyes grew.

"How soon?" Hanson took two steps and closed the distance between us and tapped my stomach.

I know I shouldn't believe him but what would lying do now? I nodded my head.

"How do I get back to him?"

"Close your eyes and remember every reason you need him and you'll open your eyes to him I promise." I don't know why but I believed everything he was saying. Being around him again made me remember why I always felt safe with him.

"Can I hug you first?" Hanson nodded and we hugged. Afterward, I did as he told me to and the next thing I knew light was stinging my eyes. I coughed from the dryness in my throat and looked over to see Kaden sound asleep in the chair next to me.

I clicked the button for a nurse and when I saw her I motioned for her to be quiet. I mind-linked her and asked for her to go get a doctor.

When the doctor came I mind-linked back and forth with him until I was all caught up. When he left I played with Kaden's hair. It was a little damp but I didn't want to wake him up quite yet. He looked so peaceful and I couldn't bring it to myself to disrupt him.

When Kaden's eyes finally opened I smiled at him.

"Hey, baby." I watched as Kaden's eyes got the size of saucers and he jumped out of his chair. In seconds his lips were on mine.

"I love you so much Sawyer please don't ever scare me like that again." I wiped the tears from his eyes.

"You are stuck with me. I love you."


WELL SHIT! Sawyer woke up but what does that letter say?

This chapter is dedicated to @tayxwriter who wrote The QB Bad Boy And Me. I loved this book a lot and it has a sequel that goes with it so you should go check them both out.

Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading XOXO.

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