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I spent the next few days in the hospital and it was hell to get Kaden to leave to take care of himself. But being in the hospital made me realize how much I love the people around me. When Kayla first saw me awake she burst into tears and ran to me.

"Do not ever scare me like that again." We both laughed and talked for a bit but my heart broke when Aiden walked through the door. His eyes were red and puffy. He walked really slowly over to my bed and sat down.

He tried to talk but when he did his voice cracked and tears fell.

"Bub, I'm okay. Look at me I'm fine." He laid his head on my stomach and just cried and cried. I let him stay until he fell asleep because I think he needed it.

"I can take him home if you want." I shook my head looking down at Aiden

"No, let him sleep." Kaden nodded and held my hand.

"Kayla said he hasn't slept since it happened. She said he just cried."  I looked over to Kaden and squeezed his hand.

"I want to go home, Kaden." Kaden nodded and got up.

I looked down at Aiden and realized that I had people to live for. Kaden got me discharged because all of my tests came back perfectly and I wasn't sore anymore. Once we were up to our room Kaden sat down next to me.

"What's bothering you?" I didn't want to tell him because I didn't want him to think I was crazy but I knew I had to.

"While I was out I saw Hanson." Kaden tensed up next to me.

"He sent me back here to you and told me that we have an amazing future ahead of us. But he also said he left me a letter at my old house." Kaden stood up and held out his hand. 

"Let's go find it." I look up at him completely shocked. "You deserve to know the truth."

We got in Kaden's car and drove to my old place. I hadn't been back there since that day my parents died so I had no idea what it looked like. As we pulled up I saw the tree Hanson had mentioned and I walked straight to it. I forgot Hanson said it was buried but before I could say anything I looked over and saw a shovel. I picked it up and handed it to Kaden. I pointed to the place under our initials.

"I need you to dig there." Kaden didn't question me he just listened. I stood behind him hugging myself looking around. There were places where the grass still hadn't grown back. any evidence of my house is gone and you can't even tell it was there. After a while, Kaden dropped the shovel and used his hands to pull out a plastic baggie with an envelope inside it.

I carefully pulled the envelope out and opened it nervous about what the contents could be.

"Dear Sawyer,

                             Things are difficult for me and my world is about to fall apart. Tomorrow you will turn 16 and Harley is going to make me kill your parents. He hates them but won't tell me why and if I don't kill them he will kill you and Haley. I know it's unfair for me to decide who has to die but I love you too much to let it be you. I wish I could've just warned you but he has been blackmailing me for months. Once you find this, if you find this, you will have no reason to believe these words but it won't stop me from writing them. I'm going to tell you that you mean nothing to me and it's going to kill us both but it's better if you hate me. I know that you will go on to do amazing things and you will find a mate. Don't ever doubt your greatness because you are the strongest girl I have ever met. You have become my entire world since the day I met you and every time I told you that I loved you I meant it. You are so smart and beautiful and you deserve the world. I hope one day you will forgive me, that somehow you will find this letter and finally understand why I did what I did. I hate myself for it already but I love you, Sawyer.


"Kaden, I killed him and it wasn't his fault." I handed him the letter and he folded it back up and hugged me.

"Baby, please don't hate me but how do you know it's true?" If it was true then there really was a baby in my belly.

"Just trust me." Kaden nodded and kissed my forehead.

It's been weeks since I found the letter and I had a feeling that I really was carrying a baby in my belly but I didn't know how to tell Kaden. If I was right I am about 8 weeks along meaning that my boy had a heartbeat.

I was laying in bed with my sweats on when Kaden came in after work. He looked exhausted and overall not in the best mood so I thought now was a good time to tell him about the baby.

"Kaden babe come here." he walked over to the bed and went to lay down but I motioned for him to lay his head on my stomach.

"Weird question but do you hear that?"

"What your heartbeat?" I shook my head

"That's not mine." Kaden's eyes flew open and he pointed at my stomach. "I have a sneaky suspicion that I'm pregnant." Kaden's mouth turned into a smile as he laid his head gently back on my belly.

"How long have you known?" He looked up to me and I couldn't look past how happy he was.

"You asked me how I knew to trust Hanson. He told me that we would have a son." I didn't think Kaden could look happier until he did.

"We're gonna have a little boy. You're growing a tiny alpha in there." He was like a little kid he was so excited and I was glad. I was a little nervous that he wouldn't be happy.

"You're going to be a dad." Kaden smiled up at me before putting his lips on mine. I watched as he jumped up off the bed and started to rummage through his things. He got down on one knee and looked up at me.

"I've been waiting for the perfect time to ask you and what time is more perfect than the day I find out that we're starting our family. I love you with everything in me Sawyer Paige. Do me the honor of marrying me." I nodded because I couldn't help but cry. Not only am I going to marry the love of my life I'm going to have a baby with him too.


It's 4:56 am and I'm literally so happy with this book that I can't even find the words. Sawyer is pregnant but sadly this book is coming to an end. Luckily there will most definitely be a sequel but who's point of view will it be in??? Stay tuned for more of The Werewolf Chronicles

All that is left is the Epilogue folks :( .... maybe if you guys want bonus chapters and let me know I may write them or they may be in a sequel.

This chapter is dedicated to @MissSarcasm12 who wrote The Bad Boy Thinks I'm Suicidal. I loved this story a lot the title and cover both stood out to me and I'd rate it a 10/10.

Hope you enjoyed!!! Thanks for reading XOXO

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