The Graveyard

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"Mom I'm tired now," I said wiping the sweat beads forming on my head.

"But Lily we still have lot more things to shift," She said lifting another heavy box.

"I want to rest," I said.

"No," was all she said and continued her work.

After my father's death which occurred one year ago we were facing many financial problems and now me and my mother were shifting into our new or should I say a very old looking house.

As we weren't able to afford the rent of our previous house we decided to shift here.

Well this house was very old and shabby also a bit far from the city and thus I would have to walk all my way to the nearest bus stop for going to school and also there were very few houses around us.

This new house was situated beside a graveyard and was pretty bigger but cheaper than our last house.

We were currently unpacking our stuffs and it was past three hours since we were doing it. I was quiet worn out and I  really needed rest.

"At least for half an hour," I said.

"Dear, I want to finish this work today itself and you can rest as much as you want but after completing your work," She said.

I huffed in irritation and started helping her in her work.

"I'm gonna stay in the room which is upstairs," I stated.

"Fine," Said Mom not actually caring about where I wanted to stay.

After completing the work I ran upstairs into my new room.

This one was bigger than my old room and more comfortable than I expected after looking at the condition of the house from outside it looked quiet old from inside it was well furnished and upgraded.

Stupid! it would obviously be upgraded as people used to stay here before us as it is not a vacant house. I thought.

I wondered why would the owner sell us this house at such a cheaper rate knowing that it was bigger and congenial.

I pulled the dust coated curtains aside and opened the huge window.

God I have so much to clean in this room.

The view wasn't much pleasant but rather creepy.......

The window displayed the complete graveyard and the view was such that it felt like the window was purposely made there so it could give the sight of the graveyard.

I glanced down to see that there was a tall wall separating the graveyard from the house.

There were two trees right before the window out of which one was dried while the other was completely green and fresh.

Closing the window I went downstairs and had my food.

After having my dinner I went back upstairs only to find the room chilling as the cool breeze brushed my cheeks and nose which was coming from the open window.

Wait a minute open window?

But I remember closing it before leaving the room.

Maybe it would have opened because of the wind.

I thought and pushed the thought at the back of my mind.

Jumping on my bed I went back to sleep as I was quiet tired after working so hard.



I woke up by the noise which I heard from outside the window maybe from the graveyard.


It was the sound of someone digging the ground.

I glanced at my phone to check the time and I was around three in the morning.

I got up from my bed to see who was the irritating person digging at this hour.

I glanced out of the window only to find nothing also the sound of the ground being dug was also stopped as if it never happened and there was complete silent.

A deafening silence which was also very strange.

I glanced back at the two tree as I saw something moving over the green fresh tree.

It was dark and I couldn't tell what it was.

I looked at the other tree and again focused on the tree only to find nothing.

Was I hallucinating things.

I glanced below the tree to find a cloaked figure standing there.

I rubbed my eyes and looked again at the cloaked figure only to find that it disappeard from there.

God!!! What the heck is happening.

I thought as my heart started hammering in my chest and my palm turned sweaty.

That was enough I think I should go back to sleep rather than enjoying this sight.

I thought and as I was closing the window I again saw the cloaked figure standing near the wall.

I closed my eyes tightly and took a deep breathe.

Okay Lily, that's just your mind playing tricks on you. Don't worry as soon as you'll open your eyes there will be nothing out there.

I consoled myself and slowly opened my eyes and at that same moment I regretted coming here as I let out a blood curdling scream.

There was this same cloaked figure now displaying his/ her face which was covered in blood with few strands of gray hair falling over it's face and it's eyes completely white lacking it's iris and it's lips twitched up into a smirk.

It stood on the railing of the window it's face a mere inches away from mine and it tilted it's head to a side as it's cracked and dried lips moved green fluid dripping out of it

I knew that this was my end or at least I won't be normal after this sitiation.

"Found you," was all it said before it wrapped it's long, skinny and dirty fingers around my neck, choking me to death.

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