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"Baby at you done with packing your stuff?" Asked Richard, my husband.

"Yeah almost done," I said while stuffing the remaining pair of clothes in my bag.

"You know what I'm so excited to meet your mother!" I told him.

We were currently leaving for Richard's country house where his mother lives and we were going there to stay for few weeks to spend our vacation there and as we got married a few weeks ago, I never met his mother so I also wanted to meet her.

Richard always said that his village was beautiful than any other village. It was located on hill in the middle of the forest with a big amount of fresh air and greenery. I hope I could trust him and the village would turn out to be as I expected it to be.

We got into our car and left from our town.

In maybe five-six hours we were already in the country side.

As our car passed by I saw beautiful trees and flowers on either side of the road.

The car halted with a loud screech and we got down from it.

"We have to walk up the hill as you can see we cannot take our car up there," Richard said with a sigh and soon we removed our bags from the car and made our way to his house.

"Is it too far?" I asked.

"No, we may reach there in few minutes," I nodded my head as I pulled the bag with me.

I could hear the soft chirping of the birds around us, the day was bright and sunny and the cool breeze blowing made me feel more delighted.

"We're here!"

"Look Lisa, that's my house," Richard said pointing towards an old but big house.

He pulled me with him towards the house, as he was too excited to meet his mother after so many years.

"Mother! Mother!" He yelled in happiness as we stood outside the gate of the house.

"Where are you Mom?!" I saw Richard's ecstatic face. He was so happy today. I have never seen him this happy in my entire life. He truly loves his Mother and missed her so much.

Slowly an woman, perhaps in her late fifties came out from the yard of the house. Her curly gray hair tied up in a bun. Her eyes immediately lit up as she saw us standing there and Richard immediately rushed up to her.

I noticed that her eyes were identical to Richard's blue eyes, the only difference was that hers were paler. In fact even her face and skin looked pale as if she was lifeless.

I thought it must be because of her age and as she stayed alone she must be tired of working here.

After Richard pulled away from the hug, He said," Mom I wanted you to meet someone."

"Come here," He said looking back at me and suddenly an unknown nervousness gripped my heart and thousands of thoughts crossed my mind, as my feet remained glued to the ground beneath me.

Will she like me?

Is she kind?

Will I like her?

What if she hates me?

What if she asks me to go away from Richard's life?

Oh God! I can't take it.

My heart was beating badly

Richard came to me and took my hand in his as he led me to his mother, an assuring smile formed on  his face.

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