The Old Building

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A smile formed on my lips as I looked up at the biggest university of our city.

Steven Brown.

I clutched the black file in my hand which held my name.

I was excited about the fact that I finally got admission here but I was also nervous about how the students here would treat me.

I shambled through the huge gates and gawked at anything and everything I saw around me.

Everyone around me looked so rich and elegant while I stood there in my old red checkers shirt with a pair of blue ripped denim jeans and a my worn out shoes and bag.

People around were so busy that they didn't even noticed me or tried acknowledge me, they were so engaged in minding their own business that no one even looked at me.

It was always my dream to get admission here and after passing my twelfth grade with good marks I finally got admission here.

The campus looked big, neat and clean but my attention was deviated by an old, dirty and chaotic looking building which stood right beside the university.

I briefly observed the five story building and thought that perhaps it was banned for the students and staff here as I didn't found anyone near or around the building. There was no boundary separating the two buildings so I wondered that the old building was also a part of the university's area.

I started walking towards the old building as I wanted to spend some time by wandering around before going inside and attending my class and that untidy building was something which grabbed my attention out of everything around.

I accidentally tripped over a not so big stone and fell straight on my face on the ground.

Luckily there was no one who saw me fall over the ground as I was too close to the building and far away from the crowd of the students.

I was alarmed by a soft chuckle and I immediately looked up to find a blonde haired beauty laughing at me.

"Hey, stop it that's so rude of you to laugh at someone like that," I glared at her. "Don't you have any other work rather than making fun of people around you," I got up from the ground and cleaned the dirt of my clothes.

"You should have at least helped me up," I said picking up my file and bag from the ground.

All the colours drained of her face as  if she had seen some kind of a ghost. The smile on her face was long gone.

"A-are you talking to m-me?" She asked pointing her index finger towards her chest.

"No, not to you. I was talking to the ground," I said.

Why the hell everyone here are So rude and mean? I thought.

"I'm sorry," She said, a guilty expression marrying her face. " I didn't meant to make fun of you it's just-"

"It's fine," I said with a sigh.

"Anyways I'm Tina. Tina Evans," She said as her baby blue eyes twinkled as a bright smile formed on her face.

"Steven Brown," I said and she guided me to the nearest bench.

Maybe I was wrong about this girl, she was not as bad as I thought that she would be.

"You're new here?" She asked as we sat on the bench which was too close from the old building and there was no one around us.

"Yeah," I said.

"You don't look like everyone around here who are too rude," She said.

"Actually I'm not like these rich people. I came here to study and get a good job unlike others who are here just for wasting their time and money," I said.

"Money and time really doesn't matters for the students here, you know like they all are those spoilt brats," She said as if she had a good experience with them and I hummed in response.

"You must have worked really hard to get admission here," She said while nodded my head.

"And what about you, even you look different from them?" I asked.

"I was a very bright student since my childhood," She started, a solemn expression was masking her beautiful features and I must tell that this girl was breathe-takingly beautiful.

"But in twelfth grade my mother died and I failed in the examination," there was a brief silence as if she was recalling the incidents from the past.

"I had worked really hard all my life. Just like you even I had this dream of studying in this university. But then I was depressed by my mother's death and that's the reason I failed and all my dreams were crushed when the university rejected me and refused to give me another chance for appearing in the examination," She said and closed here eyes as a tear slipped from her eyes and my hands itched to wipe them off.

"Then how did you took admission here?" I asked.

"No, I never took admission here," She said opening her eyes and wiping those tears with the back of her hand.

"Then how are you here? I didn't understand it?" I said furrowing my brows.

"I committed suicide by jumping from this old building,"

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