A ride home

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It was almost midnight. The boy was driving the car slowly and some random rock music busted on the radio. The windows were rolled down and suddenly the radio went off. The music stopped and everything went silent. All he could hear was the gushing wind.

He drove his car on the lonely road and saw a girl dressed in white clothes sticking her hand out to get a ride. Anyone else would have thought that she was a ghost from her appearance. The boy pulled over.

"Hey," She said awkwardly.

Before he could open his mouth she continued, "I know that I look like a typical ghost but, I'm not! Trust me. I was at the Halloween party and-"

"Get in." He smiled, " I know it's Halloween. You don't need to explain."

"By the way I'm Claire and thank you so much for the ride. There were like two other people driving this way, they literally drove the car as fast as a plane when they saw me. I thought I would never get a ride, atleast not dressed like this," she explained.

"You talk too much. Did anyone tell that you shouldn't be around this place." His eyes were focused on the road while his hands tightly gripped the steering wheel. Maybe he was scared of the lady sitting next to him even though he just gave her a lift.

"Aren't you scared that I might turn into a dreadful looking ghost any second?" She asked in a grave tone.

"No. I'm not." He said firmly.

"Don't you think that I'm a ghost?" She asked and started whistling in a spooky manner. She wore a white dress which was torn and covered in dirt a dark lipstick painted her lips while her hair were a complete mess. For any sane guy would have run for his life but he didn't.

His head snapped to the side which startled the girl and that's when she noticed his face. His eyes had no iris. His skin was as good as rotten flesh and a nasty grin was pasted on his thin lips.

He suddenly broke into a laughter, a deep, evil one which shook Claire to her bones. His dirty crooked teeth visible. The hands gripping the steering wheel now gripped Claire's throat. They weren't even hands they were like sticks covered in some slimy substance.

"No! Because I am the ghost." He stated.

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