Under the bed

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Seven years old Billy was sitting on the couch and was playing with his new toy car which his father bought for him.

James, Billy's Dad was talking to his wife, Julia after having their dinner.

"Billy, I think it's too late and you should go to sleep now," Said Julia patting Billy's head.

"But Mommy I wanna play more," He said.

"Honey you can play with this car tomorrow, now go to your room and sleep," She said taking the toy car away from his hand.

"And don't forget to brush your teeth...." She said as Billy ran into his room.

"Ya, Mommy...." He said.

After Billy left James and Julia were having some important conversation about their financial status and other stuff.

"I think I'll go and check for Billy if he is asleep or not," Said James as he stood up from his chair after ending the important conversation with his wife.

He slowly stepped into Billy's room and saw that all the lights were turned off.

But then he saw a figure sitting on the bed.

As he moved closer he saw Billy sitting on the bed with his knees brought up to his chest and his face buried into his palms while his body was shaking uncontrollably and soft sobs were erupting from his mouth.

"Billy, are you Okay?" He asked stepping towards him.

"D-daddy......" Billy whispered as he raised his head up to look at his father.

James was shocked to see his son's vulnerable state.

Billy's face was covered with tears, his lips trembled as he spoke and his whole body covered with sweat as his body shook continuously.

"D-daddy I'm s-scared," He cried.

"Of whom?" James asked.

"T-there is someone u-under the bed," He said with his trembling lips and his voice had this terror just like his face had.

James bent down and glanced under the bed.

All the colour drained off his face as he saw his son sitting under the bed on the floor just like he was sitting on the bed.

"D-daddy?" His son said from under his bed.

No words came out of his mouth as he was too shocked to see his son who was just sitting on the bed was now under it.

With a jerk he straightened himself as he saw that his son was still sitting on the bed.

Is this some kind of a sick joke? He thought.

"I-is there any-one down?" Billy asked.

Again he looked under the bed and he heard his son from under the bed.

"Daddy, I-I'm scared.... there is s-someone sitting on the bed,"

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