Practice (Facebook)

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The best way I have learned to do anything is through practice. Today we’ll do a little practice Facebooking. Or, rather, I will list six elements of a post. Tell me, in order (just the numbers is fine) of importance, from most to least, how are these elements ranked? 

1.       Content that’s 180 – 200 words long at the most, but no less than 50 words .

2.        A picture.

3.       A call to action (e. g. click here, like this, etc.).

4.       A grabber of a headline (e. g. “You’ll Never Believe …” or “I Bet You Can’t …” or “Do You Think …”)

5.       Posting within a half an hour of when you know your audience is on Facebook (determined by examining Facebook page analytics – you get these if you have 30 or more followers).

6.       Matching content to your buyer personae’s needs. 

If you like, explain why you think one or the other of these elements is more important than another, and how you would know/do that. 

The link is actually part of the answer. The image is pretty close to being an answer, too. The YouTube video is kinda useful, too. 

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