Practice (Google+)

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Best Practices

Let’s start with formatting and titles. While there is no special title bar, what you can do is, you can bold your text. Hence, for whatever you want your title to be, place an *asterisk* before and after the text, and it will become bolded

Next, like for every other social media platform out there, you need an image for your post! Google+ has a lot of space, so take a larger image than you think you’ll need. If it’s too big, the program will crunch it down. If not, then you get a sharper image. Smaller images look fuzzier and therefore they look a bit unprofessional. 

Now, let’s move onto your content. Only about 100 words is fine. You can write more, but 100 – 150 words seem to be the outer limit to what people will read. Use no more than three hashtags, and the program will pick them up and will use them. If you don’t hashtag, it will hunt for appropriate hashtags. The program is decent but it isn’t always right, so be aware of that. 

As always, your content needs to be in keeping with your theme. If this is your author page, then you should be talking about writing, although a little personality thrown in there is all right, so long as it doesn’t start to dominate the verbiage. A quick throwaway about gardening is fine – a 5,000-word essay about sports is ill-advised, unless you write about sports. 

Practice as you like and, in the comments, feel free to drop a link to whatever you’ve written, so that everyone can check it out. And don’t forget to check out the puppy’s own page, and see how things are formatted there. 

The link is to the Social Media Puppy (that’s me!). The image is an infographic about how to format your posts. The YouTube video is an excellent explanation of why Google+ matters for search engine results. 

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