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Home Sweet Home

I blog. A LOT. I blog about Star Trek fan fiction and general writing topics (see the link). I blog about social media marketing.  I blog for a book review club. I have also blogged for information about volunteer fan fiction publishing (it’s not really publishing as it can’t be for profit, but we do make it all look nice). 

In the past, professionally, I have blogged about robotics, nursing and green home energy products and services. I have blogged for my father’s freelance engineering business. For school, I have blogged about an unsigned local band.

What’s Blogging Good For? I Already Write!

Yes, you already write. But blogging is good for breaking the fourth wall. It is also an excellent springboard. Use your blog to create content which you can then share across Facebook, Tumblr, etc. A blog is also rather useful when you have fiction writer’s block, because you might not have blogger’s block. This continuing to write can help with other writing, too.

Why WordPress?

Blogger and other platforms have their defenders. But WordPress offers impressive free functionality and metrics. WordPress also has a ton of features and customizations. Furthermore, it has two forms of social sharing – one for readers, to like or tweet or share your content to Facebook. The other form of social sharing (and here you’ll need to add some widgets) is in automatically sending your blog posts to other social media sites, including Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest and Google+.

What about Blogger and other services?

I have used Blogger and I don’t love it. But if you’re committed to another service, that’s fine. I will mainly talk about WordPress, but blog inspiration works for every service. And who knows? I’m sure there’s plenty you can teach me, if you love Blogger or another service and think it is better. I’ll listen. 

We’ll get into more of the specifics of blogging later. As you can imagine, this is a subject that is near and dear to my heart. 

The link is to da puppy’s own WordPress fan fiction blog, which is hosted in a Star Trek fan fiction site’s directory.  The image is self-explanatory. The link is to a decent tutorial on creating a free WordPress blog, hosted by WordPress.

What Else?

There is a ton of information on blogging, and I’ve got more chapters on it in this guide. Plus there is information in other sections which can help with blogging (such as the section which I will get to later, about having a website). Stay tuned! 

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