Adventure 1

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After the cultural festival ended, there was a temporary peace.Everyone returned back to their daily lives.Classes resumed and all the students started their preparation and training ,as the term approached its end.Thats when it all started.

"Class is done.Now go back to your dorms and don't disturb me" Aizawa yawns and goes outside the class.

"Man, day by day classes are getting hard to understand" Kaminari says

"Yeah, all i do is pretty much sleep during the class" Ashido agrees

"Don't worry. Yaomomo said that she will teach me.Those of you who didn't understand can join me.If it is okay with her. " Hagakure motions towards Yaoyorozu.

Yaoyorozu clearly happy but tried to cover it"It is the duty of the class reprsentative to help others."

"She is really looking forward to this." everyone thought.

"Deku what are you thinking?" Uraraka suddenly asks Midoriya ,who is staring towards the wall thinking deeply.

"Nothing Uraraka ." Midoriya replies while thinking "I can't tell her I am thinking about my fight with Gentle . Honestly, he seemed like a good guy to me."

When Uraraka was about to ask something Iida orders "Everyone stop talking and get back to the dorms". Listening to him everyone start going to the dorms.

As they were going to their dorms, Iida suddenly remembers something and goes towards Midoriya "Midoriya you are on duty today,right?" Iida speaks while moving his hands.

"yes"Midoriya replies

"The supplies are out, can you get them by as early as possible?"

"Okay, I will go get them right now."

Midoriya hurries back to his room and gets changed form his school uniform into yellow shorts and a white T-shirt with All Might trademark on it and goes out.

He goes towards a fully crowded market street "There are many people today." he sighs.

"Now a days it became a lot calmer since All might Retired." feeling happy he waits in a long queue. But contrary to his expectations reality is far cruel.


He hears a large sound caused due to an explosion at the corner of the street.People start shouting and pushing each other to run away from it.

"What happened?" Midoriya starts rushing towards the site of explosion while people moving away from it.

As he arrives, shock followed by fear reaches his face cause the scene before would stun anybody- Shigaraki followed by 10 Nomus and a group of masked people appear out of a portal.

One might think this might be on the same level as Hosu incident(Hero killer Stain).But "These are similar to the Nomu that All Might fought at USJ......... and furthermore 10 of them????"

Shigaraki walks in the front while the Nomus start destroying their surrounding buildings.

"Peace has prevailed for too long.So I have come to give judgement.HAHAHAHAH"

Midoriya not knowing what to do looks around.

"Waaa" He hears the cry of a child and sees a Nomu about to grab that child.

Seeing this, out of instinct he activates one for all through out his body "ONE FOR ALL FULL COWLING". He rushes towards the kid and grabs him while evading the Nomu.

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